

Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research of Solid-liquid Pump

【作者】 何伟强

【导师】 朱祖超; 李昳;

【作者基本信息】 浙江理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 固液两相流离心泵广泛应用于疏浚、冶金、化工、水利、土建和环保等行业,由于输送的是固液两相流,目前主要存在磨损严重、效率偏低等问题,导致寿命短、可靠性差,虽然很多学者做了这方面研究,对离心泵内部的流动结构和流动规律也有了一些认识,但是由于其流动复杂性,许多流动现象的流场结构和产生机理仍不清楚,因此还需做大量的研究工作。为了揭示泵内部固液两相流动的规律,研究固液两相流对泵外特性的影响和磨损规律,本文采用数值模拟与试验研究相结合的方法,建立了固液离心泵的几何模型,应用Fluent计算流体力学分析软件,对其内部固液两相流场进行数值模拟,分析了泵内部速度场和压力场、固液浓度的变化和分布规律以及不同颗粒浓度和粒径对固液泵性能的影响,并在试验研究基础上采用数值仿真的方法对固液泵进行了初步的优化,并提出了一些固液泵优化的措施,为固液两相流泵的设计和改进提供了依据。本文的主要工作如下:1.系统概述了国内外学者在固液两相流泵方面的研究成果及现状。2.利用Pro/E三维实体造型软件进行叶轮、蜗壳实体造型,在Gambit中进行网格划分后导入Fluent进行了清水和固液两相流数值模拟,并对结果进行了分析。3.设计并搭建了固液两相流泵试验回路,进行了不同颗粒浓度和直径的固液两相流输送试验,取得了有参考价值的试验数据和结果,可为后续的固液泵的优化设计提供一定的依据。4.通过数值模拟结果与试验数据综合对比分析,结合前人在固液泵设计及优化方面的成果,采用数值模拟的方法对固液泵进行了初步的优化,取得了一定的效果,说明采用数值方法改善固液泵性能是可行的。

【Abstract】 The solid-liquid two-phase centrifugal pump is widely used in dredging, metallurgy, chemical industry, water conservancy, construction and environmental protection industries. For the solid-liquid two-phase flow transporting, there exist two main problems: serious wear and tear, low efficiency, leading to short life and low reliability. Although many scholars have done research in this area, there are many problems to be solved due to the complexity of the internal flow. In order to reveal its internal law of the solid-liquid two-phase flow, a combination way of numerical simulation and experimental research was adopted in this paper. The geometric model of the solid-liquid centrifugal pump was build, and the computational fluid dynamics analysis software Fluent was applied to simulate the internal solid-liquid two-phase flow field. The solid-liquid concentration, speed and pressure changes and distribution in its internal flow field were researched ,as well as the impaction of different particle concentration and particle size on the properties of solid-liquid pumps. The solid-liquid two-phase centrifugal pump was optimized preliminarily based on the test results. Some optimizing measures of the solid-liquid pump were proposed, which provided the basis for the design and improvement of the solid-liquid two-phase pump.The main work is outlined as following:1. The research results and the status in solid-liquid two-phase pump of the domestic and foreign scholars were summarized.2.The 3D modeling software Pro/E was used to model the impeller and volute. After meshing in the Gambit, the models were imported into Fluent. The numerical simulation for the water and solid-liquid two-phase flow was carried out, and the results were analyzed.3. A test loopof the solid-liquid two-phase flow pump was designed and built. The solid-liquid two-phase flow transport experiments were carried out on the conditions of the different particle concentration and diameter. The important test data and results were obtained for the subsequent optimization of the solid-liquid pump.4. A comprehensive comparative analysis between the numerical results and the experimental data was made. Combining with the design and optimization results of the predecessors’in the solid-liquid pump, a preliminary optimization of the centrifugal pump had done by numerical simulation method. Some meaningful results were achieved. It was indicated that using numerical method to improve the performance of solid-liquid pump was feasible.
