

Social Life of Tsou‐hu in Liang‐huai Salt Administration During Ming Dynasty

【作者】 秦偲嘉

【导师】 赵毅;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 专门史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 明朝在建国之初,就设立了特殊户籍——灶籍对盐的直接生产者进行严格的控制和管理。灶户是明代对盐业生产者的泛称。这一群体因其生产活动和劳作成果与在国家财政收入中占重要地位的盐业经济相关联,使他们在社会生活实态、收入状况、主要社会关系和社会地位等方面呈现出与普通民户不同的特点。两淮灶户因生产生活背景为明代盐政中最重要的两淮盐场,故其社会生活更具代表性,有较强的研究价值。在生活实态方面,艰辛的盐业生产活动成为两淮灶户生活主要内容,衣食起居都受其影响,生存状态普遍困苦。在收入状况上,两淮灶户收入内容、模式和水平随着盐政的改革和盐业的发展不断变化,经历了由最初稳定的官支工本到明末依赖与盐商交易或借贷所得的过程,呈现复杂而又不稳定的特点。在社会关系方面,两淮灶户与外界的交往活动因盐业经济关系的影响而较其他群体更为开放并带有趋利性。他们不但要面对由于盐生产能力提高而造成贫富阶层分化的内部关系,还要与以谋求盐利为目的盐商、盐场流民进行交易、周旋或融合。在社会地位上,两淮灶户在国家注重科举取士和灶籍世袭制衰弱的历史条件下,通过考取进士获得功名。也有一些人通过改变职业——从商或致儒学等方式来转变社会角色,使先前贫贱低下的社会地位得到提升。

【Abstract】 Government began to register salt-producing households to control their activity in production and in life after the founding of the Ming dynasty. The most generally terms was used in Ming to describe these salt-producing households is tsou-hu. Since the salt, production result of tsou-hu, is vital to state income, Tsou-hu is special to normal people in social life including living behavior, revenue, social relations, social class and so on. Liang-huai Salt Administration is in position of great influence to salt production of Ming. So the life style of salt producers in this area is typical.About living behavior, salt production activity is the main contents. The work so hard that tsou-hu is living in poverty. In income aspect, ether the level or the pattern always change with policy and development of salt industry. The social relations of tsou-hu are complicated and open. There are Internal stratification and many businessman or vagrants involve in. Although tsou-hus is low in the social scale generally, someone change their occupations by become CHIN-SHIH or businessman or scholar to achieve the status mobility.
