

【作者】 吴玥纹

【导师】 张华;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 学科教学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “以人为本”、“快乐比知识更重要”这些先进的理念早出现在孔子育人理念中,却又被当前分数至上的思想隐藏和排挤。面对传统僵死、呆板、程式化的教学方法,面对学生的身心发展受到严重阻碍,面对课堂效率明显低下,改革势在必行!通过愉快教学情境的创设,激发学生的学习兴趣和积极的情感体验,有了内在学习动力,学生的自主性、能动性和创造性充分被唤醒,使学生在主动的、生动活泼的发展中求愉快,在愉快中求得主动的、生动活泼的发展。本论文首先以大连市中山区四所学校层次不同的初中七、八两个年级的学生为调查对象,采用问卷调查的研究方法(发出问卷1922份,收回1673份,收回率达87%),通过对“知识基础、学习兴趣、学习态度、教师因素、家长的支持度”等内容的调查、统计和分析,从中发现了初中地理课程教学过程中存在的主要问题;然后针对于此,以“愉快教育”为教学理念,以实现地理教学目标为宗旨,根据愉快教学思想、教育学、心理学相关理论,结合两年的初中地理课程教学实践研究,论述了新课改理念下初中地理课程愉快教学的必要性,阐述了初中地理课程愉快教学的主要策略,包括师生关系融洽化的两个方面、教学气氛轻松化的两个要点、教学风格独特化的三个措施、教学手段多样化的六个项目、教学设计活动化的六个步骤、教学内容生活化的经典案例评价和教学评价激励化策略等;最后通过对采用常规教学方式下和实施愉快教学策略下学生学习成绩和非认知品质的对比实验,分析了初中地理课程愉快教学策略的实施对学生学习成绩和非认知因素的影响。实践证明:初中地理课程教学过程中实施愉快教学策略,不仅能显著提高学生的学习成绩,能有效地促进学生的学习兴趣、社会交往能力、语言表达能力、自信力、意志力等非认知品质的发展,而且有利于形成互尊互爱、民主平等的师生关系,和谐向上的教学气氛,同时让学生有乐学的情趣,教师有善教的本领。

【Abstract】 “Think of people as the centre”,“Happiness is more important than knowledge”. These advanced concepts appeared in Confucius’educational philosophy early. But they were hidden and marginalized by the thought of the current scores. Because teaching methods were traditional dead, dull and programmed, the students’physical and mental development was hampered seriously and the efficiency of the classroom was significantly lower, reform was imperative. Through creating the happy teaching situation, stimulating the students’interest in learing positive, emotional experience, the students got internal learning motivation, the students’autonomy, initiative and creativity were fully waken up, so that the students were active seeking pleasure in the lively and happy development and active seeking development in the lively happiness.First, we surveyed the students from different levels of seven and eight grades, junior high school, four schools, Dalian. Survey research methods were used ( questionnaires 1922, recover the 1673 copies, recovery rate 87%). Through surveying, statistics and analysics, the contents were about“knowledge base, interest in learning, learning attitude, the teachers, parents support. People found the main problems were among the process of middle school geography teaching curriculum.Then for this, thinking of happy education as a teaching philosophy, achieving teaching objectives was the purpose, according to happy teaching thinking, education and psychology theary, combining with two years of junior high school geography curriculum teaching pratice. People thought it necessary to need happy teaching under the concept of the new curriculum and told of the main strategy of junior high school geography curriculum happy teaching including the two acpects of harmonious relations ketween teachers and students, the two points of teaching and relaxing atmosphere, the three measures of a unique teaching stijle, the six projects of teaching method diversification, the six steps of teaching design activities, teaching on life classic case of eualuation and incetivebased strategies.Finally, through comparing the experiments about the converctional mode of teaching and implementation of teaching strategies pleasant and non-congnitive student achievement, analysis of student achievement of junior high school geography curriculum strategies and the implementation of non-conginitive factors, It was proved the happy teaching strategies of junior high school geography curriculum, not only can improve the students performace significantly, promot the students’interest in learning effectively, socal interaction, language skills, self-confidence willpower and other non-cognitive qualities development, but also conducive to form mutual respect and mutual love, democracy and equal relationship, harmonious and progressive teaching atmosphere, while allowing students to be interested in learning and teachers to have good teaching skills.

【关键词】 初中地理愉快教学教学策略
【Key words】 GeographyPleased teachingTeaching strategy
  • 【分类号】G633.55
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】509