

Effects of Different Hypoxic Trainings on T, Cand MDA, SOD in Serum of Sprague-Dawley Rats

【作者】 温鑫菲

【导师】 娄淑杰;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 运动人体科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的观察不同低氧浓度训练后大鼠血清中睾酮(T)、皮质酮(C)的浓度及T/C值的变化;观察经低氧训练后大鼠血清中丙二醛(MDA)含量和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力的变化,为探寻促进健康的低氧模式以及提高运动员和特殊环境人员耐缺氧能力提供实验依据。研究方法实验动物为健康雄性8周龄Sprague-Dawl ey(SD)大鼠120只,平均体重182.8±7.3g。将其随机分为安静对照组(C)、常氧运动组(E)、11%氧浓度对照组(11C)、11%氧浓度运动组(11E)和15%氧浓度对照组(15C)、15%氧浓度运动组(15E)6个大组,每组20只。每个大组再分为组1和组2两个小组(分别为C1组和C2组,E1组和E2组,15C1组和15C2组,15E1组和15E2组,11C1组和11C2,11E1组和11E2组)每组10只,组1实验时间为7天,组2实验时间为22天。运动组动物每天在跑台上运动一次,时间为30min/次,速度为12m/min。15%氧浓度对照(15C)组和11%氧浓度对照(11C)组40只大鼠每天分别放入氧浓度为15%和11%的低氧房中安静状态2h;15%氧浓度运动(15E)组和11%氧浓度运动(11E)组每天分别放入15%和11%氧浓度的低氧房中2h,前30min进行跑台运动,运动后留在低氧房中安静状态1.5h。共连续训练7天。7天训练结束后将1组(60只)的动物麻醉下腔静脉取血,分离血清。用ELISA方法检测大鼠血清中T和C的浓度;硫代巴比妥酸(TAB)法测定大鼠血清MDA含量;使用黄嘌呤氧化酶法测定血清SOD活力。2组(60只)动物经7天训练后也结束运动方案,安静状态饲养15天后,按相同方法取材并进行指标测试。研究结果1、7天低氧训练对大鼠血清T的影响:11C组T浓度明显低于C组,差异具有显著性(P<0.05);11E组T浓度低于E组,差异具有显著性(P<0.01);2、7天低氧训练对大鼠血清C的影响:E组大鼠血清C浓度明显高于C组,差异具有显著性(P<0.05);11E组C浓度明显低于E组,差异具有显著性(P<0.01);15E组C浓度明显低于E组,差异具有显著性(P<0.05);3、7天低氧训练对大鼠血清T/C的影响:11C组T/C值明显低于C组,差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。4、7天低氧训练后,各组间MDA含量均没有显著性差异(P>0.05);低氧训练结束15天后,与安静对照组相比,15E2组MDA含量明显低于安静对照组,差异具有显著性(P<0.05);组1和组2的MDA含量比较,11E2组MDA含量明显低于11E1组,差异具有极显著性(P<0.01);15E2组MDA含量明显低于15E1组,差异具有显著性(P<0.05)5、7天低氧训练后,11E1组大鼠GOD活力明显低于E1组,差异具有显著性(P<0.05);低氧训练结束15天后,与安静对照组相比,11E2组大鼠SOD活力明显低于安静对照组,差异具有显著性(P<0.05);组1和组2的GOD活力比较,与11C1组相比,11C2组大鼠GOD活力明显高11c1组,差异具有显著性(P<0.05);与E1组相比,E2组大鼠血清GOD活力明显低于E1组,差异具有显著性(P<0.05);与15E1组相比,15E2组大鼠血清SOD活力明显低于15E1组,差异具有极显著性(P<0.01).研究结论1、11%氧浓度条件下T/C大幅下降,提示该条件下机体分解代谢大于合成代谢,不利于机能水平和运动能力的提升,虽运动可一定程度代偿低氧带来的不利影响,但已不足以弥补;2、15%氧浓度条件下机体T/C出现有利变化趋势,可能运动代偿了低氧的不利影响,说明在低氧训练过程中浓度的选择尤为重要,适宜氧浓度下的运动会对机体产生良性刺激,提示在15%氧浓度或稍高于该浓度条件下进一步进行研究与训练,寻找运动代偿最适点,以期使低氧和运动训练产生最明显效果。3、经7天低氧训练后,11%氧浓度安静组与15%氧浓度安静组大鼠体内脂质过氧化水平均未变化,提示可能11%氧浓度运动组大鼠体内自由基生成增多,因而导致体内细胞脂质过氧化水平升高,不利于机体健康;而15%氧浓度运动组大鼠体内氧化抗氧化系统仍处于良好平衡状态.4、低氧训练结束15天后,11%氧浓度安静组与15%氧浓度安静组大鼠体内氧化与抗氧化系统仍处于平衡状态;11%氧浓度运动组与15%氧浓度运动组大鼠脂质过氧化水平下降,提示低氧对机体造成的不良影响已消退。15%氧浓度环境中进行低氧训练结束后,体内脂质过氧化水平降低的同时引起SOD活力适应性的降低,可看做机体的机能节省状态。5、15天后,低氧训练对机体造成的影响趋于消退。

【Abstract】 Objective:To observe the diversity of testosterone(T)、cortisone(C)and T/C of SD rats which have been trained in different hypoxic, provide a eligible hypoxia training mode for athletes. Methods:120 male Sprague-Dawley rats of 8 weeks, which average weight is 182.8±7.3g, were divided randomlt into 6 large groups:control group(C), regular aerobic exercise group(E),15% oxygen concentration control group(15C),15% oxygen concentration exercise group(15E),11% oxygen concentration control group(11c) and 11% oxygen concentration exercise group(11E)(n=20). Each large group divided in the following groups group 1 and 2 (n=10). Animal in exercise group daily exercised on treadmill for 30min once a day and the speed was 12m/min.15C and 11C were placed in the hypoxic room of 15% and 11% oxygen concentration 2h every day.15E and 11E were placed in the hypoxic room of 15% and 11% oxygen concentration 2h every day, the first 30min was treadmill exercise and placed in the hypoxic room 1.5h after exercise. A total of 7 days continuous training. After 7 days’hypoxic training, derived material from group 1 animal. After 15 days, derived the same material from group 2 animal.And the method of detecting the level of serum T and C is ELISA, the method of detecting the level of MDA is TAB, and the method of detecting the level of SOD archaeus is xanthine oxidase (XO). Results (1)group of 11C has the T level lower than group C, the contrast is significant(P<0.05); group of 11E has the T level obviously lower than group E, the contrast is significant (P<0.01) (2) group of E has the C level higher than group C, the contrast is significant (P<0.05); group of 11E has the C level lower than group E, the contrast is significant (P<0.05); group of 15E has the C level lower than group E, the contrast is significant (P<0.05) (3) group of 11C has the T/C level lower than group C, the contrast is significant(P<0.05.)(4) 7 days after the hypoxic training, v MDA content in each group there was no significant difference (P> 0.05); 15 days after the end of hypoxic training, with the quiet control group,15E2 group of MDA were significantly lower than sedentary control group, difference was significant (P<0.05); MDA content before and after two more,11E2 11E1 group MDA was significantly lower than the group, the difference was significant (P<0.01); 15E2 15E1 group MDA was significantly lower than the group, the difference significant (P<0.05) (5) 7 days hypoxic training,11E1 rats SOD activity was significantly lower than E1 group, the difference was significant (P<0.05); 15 days after the end of hypoxic training, with the quiet control compared,11E2 group SOD activity was significantly lower than the sedentary control group, the difference was significant (P<0.05); SOD activity before and after two more, compared with 11C1,11C2 rats, SOD activity was significantly higher 11C1 Group The difference was significant (P<0.05); compared with E1, E2 serum SOD activity was significantly lower than the E1 group, the difference was significant (P<0.05); compared with 15E1,15E2 group Serum SOD activity was significantly lower than the 15E1 group, the difference was significant (P<0.01). Conclusion (1)11% oxygen concentration under the conditions of T/C significantly decreased, suggesting that catabolism is greater than under anabolic body is not conducive to functional levels and improve exercise capacity, although the movement can compensate to some extent the adverse effects of hypoxia, but not enough to compensate; (2)15% oxygen concentration in the body under the T/C has been a favorable trend, possible compensatory movement of the adverse effects of hypoxia, indicating the process of concentration in the hypoxic training is particularly important the choice of suitable oxygen concentration in the Games of the body to produce positive stimuli, suggesting that oxygen concentration in the 15% or slightly higher than the concentration for further study and training, to find the optimal motion compensation point of view to hypoxia and exercise training have the most significant effect. (3) after 7 days hypoxia training,11% oxygen group and 15% oxygen quiet quiet group of rats the concentration of lipid peroxidation did not change, suggesting that 11% of the oxygen concentration in the exercise group increased free radical production in rats, resulting in lipid peroxidation in vivo elevated levels of cells, the body is not conducive to health; while 15% of the oxygen concentration in the exercise group rats oxidative and antioxidant systems are still in good balance. (4) 15 days after the end of hypoxic training,11% oxygen concentration in a quiet group and 15% oxygen concentration in a quiet group of rats in vivo oxidation and antioxidant system is still in balance; 11% of the oxygen concentration in the exercise group and 15% oxygen concentration in the exercise group Tai rats decreased the level of lipid peroxidation, suggesting that hypoxia caused adverse effects on the body has faded.15% of the oxygen concentration in the environment for the end of hypoxic training, reduce the level of lipid peroxidation, while SOD activity caused by decreased adaptability, can save the state as the function of the body. (5)15 days after the hypoxia training on the impact of the body tends to subside.

【关键词】 低氧睾酮皮质酮自由基大鼠运动
【Key words】 TCT/CMDASOD
  • 【分类号】G804.2
  • 【下载频次】157