

The Research on Design of Envioronmental Landscape in the Mountain Villa

【作者】 王西武

【导师】 杨柳青;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 随着中国城市化进程的加快,城市居住用地与耕地的矛盾加剧。中国山地资源十分丰富,同时随着生活水平的提高,人们回归自然的愿望越来越强烈。山地别墅为解决城市居住用地紧张问题和满足人们回归自然愿望提供了有效途径。系统研究山地别墅环境景观设计理论、手法以及与社会经济发展的内在联系,探讨适合当前社会发展,体现山地别墅特色文化内涵的设计理论,对当前和今后我国山地别墅环境景观设计提供理论支持和参考依据,并指导山地别墅环境景观建设。(1)综述了国内外山地别墅环境景观设计研究的现状和进展,指出目前国内研究主要集中在山地别墅环境景观某一方面,研究不够全面。今后应加强山地别墅环境景观设计理论、手法的系统化研究。(2)针对目前山地别墅环境景观现状,结合国内外山地别墅环境景观研究,提出山地别墅环境景观设计应以生态学理论、园林美学理论、行为心理学理论和风水学理论为指导,遵循因地制宜与周边环境相融合原则、综合考虑社会、经济、文化原则、尊重原始地形保护原生植被原则、充满人性关怀原则、自然资源可持续利用和文化延续原则和合理利用地方资源,控制经济成本原则。(3)分析了山地别墅环境景观的构成要素、影响因素和景观价值方面的特点,从自然特征、生态特征、视觉特征、空间特征、功能特征和文化特征等角度分析了山地别墅环境景观特征。(4)通过对长沙地区6个山地别墅环境景观现状的调查分析表明:长沙地区山地别墅环境景观周边环境良好,具有良好的借景资源;因山就势,合理利用原始自然地形;山体破坏严重,原生植被保留较少;别墅环境景观与周边环境融合不强;地方特色不足。提出了山地别墅环境景观设计主要内容:项目概况及现状分析、总体景观布局、功能区划分、景观空间划分、地形设计、生态设计、交通系统设计、植物景观设计、文化定位、节点设计、标志小品边界和本土化设计。山地别墅环境景观的研究有利于缓解城市用地矛盾,提高人居环境质量,通过对金科.东方大院示范区环境景观设计的案例研究,归纳总结得出今后山地别墅环境景观应注重山地原生态环境的保护与融合、基址文脉的挖掘、生态设计与特色景观的营造等方面,协调统一人地关系,实现可持续发展。

【Abstract】 With the acceleration of China urbanization process, the conflict of urban residential land use has been more serious.China is rich in mountain resource. Meanwhile, with the improvement of living standards, people’s desire of returning to nature has been became more and more strong. Mountain Villa has provided effective way to resolve the tension of urban living space and meet the people’s natural desire. This paper research the environment landscape design theory and techniques of mountain villa systematically as well as the intrinsic link with socio-economic development; discuss the design theory which is appropriate to the current society development and reflecting the characteristics and cultural connotation of mountain villa; provide theoretical support and reference for the current and future environment landscape design of our country’s mountain villa, and guide the landscape construction of mountain villa.(1) We summarize the home and abroad status and progress of the study of the mountain villa landscape.however, the current study focused on a certain aspect of the environment landscape of mountain villa and the study was not comprehensive. The systematic research of the theory and method of landscape design of mountain villa should be strengthened in the future.(2) Aimed at the current status of the mountain villa landscape, combined with the home and abroad research of the landscape design of mountain villa, that Mountain villa landscape design should be based on ecological theory, landscape aesthetic theory, behavioral psychology theory and theories of Feng Shui, followed local conditions and the principles of integrating surrounding environment, considered the social, economic and cultural principles, respected the pricinple that the original terrain should protect the original vegetation, the principle which is full of humanity concern, also the principle of sustainable use of natural resources and cultural continuation, and the principle of using local resources reasonably and controling the economic cost.(3) Analyze the forming elements and the affecting factors as well as the characteristic of environment landscape value of mountain villa, moreover, landscape features of mountain villa on the perspective of the feature of nature, ecology, sense, space, function and culture etc. (4) Through the survey and analysis of current environmental landscape of six mountain villas in Changsha area, it is shown that the surrounding environment of mountain villa in Changsha was good, and it has nice resouce of scenery-borrowing; because of the advantages of mountain situation, using primitive natural terrain reasonably; the terrain was seriously damaged and the original vegetation was less maintained; villa landscape integration with the surrounding environment was not enough and lack of local characteristic. Referred the content of mountain villa landscape design which include project overview and current analysis, the overall landscape layout, functional zoning, the division of landscape space, terrain design, ecological design, transportation system design, plants landscape design, cultural location, node design,sign piece border and localization design.The landscape research of mountain villa will benefit to ease the contradiction of usage of urban land and improvemet of the quality of living environment. Via the research of the case of Jinke Dong Fang Da Yuan’s demonstration area landscape design, we summarized that mountain villa landscape design should emphasize on the protection and integration of the original environment of the mountain, the excavation of cultural plot, the ecology design and construction of characteristic landscape etc, harmony the man-land relationship and achieve sustainable development.
