

The Relationship of Child Neglect with Social Behavior and Peer Acceptance

【作者】 年晶

【导师】 刘爱书;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 儿童忽视是一个世界性的问题。由于社会文明的进步,它逐渐成为国际上儿童研究领域的热点问题,引起了国外学者的广泛关注。忽视往往在儿童心理上留下难以弥补的创伤,造成人格、心理与行为异常,给儿童的正常发展带来不良影响。目前国外已经有不少关于儿童忽视的研究报告,但国内对儿童忽视的研究甚少,对忽视的了解以及对其所产生的不良后果认识不足。在这一背景下,本研究试图考察儿童忽视的特点以及忽视与社会行为、同伴接纳性(同伴接受、同伴拒绝)的关系,并推断社会行为是儿童忽视和同伴接纳性间的中介变量。采用同伴提名法和问卷调查法对哈尔滨市三所小学的4、5年级共824名儿童(其中503名参与社会行为与同伴接纳性研究)进行了调查。研究结果表明:1、研究对象中存在忽视的儿童259人,占总人数的31.4%。情感忽视、教育忽视、身体/监督忽视的发生率分别为36.5%、35.4%、36.4%。儿童忽视存在显著的性别差异,男性儿童受忽视程度显著高于女性儿童,但年级差异不显著。2、忽视及教育忽视、身体/监督忽视维度与亲社会行为呈显著负相关;忽视及情感忽视、教育忽视维度与受欺负行为存在显著正相关;身体/监督忽视维度与退缩行为存在显著正相关。儿童是否受到忽视在社会行为得分上差异显著,相比未受到忽视的儿童,受到忽视的儿童其亲社会行为得分更低,受欺负、退缩行为得分更高。回归分析表明,忽视和身体/监督忽视维度分别正向预测儿童的受欺负程度和退缩行为;教育忽视维度负向预测儿童的亲社会行为。3、忽视及教育忽视、身体/监督忽视维度与同伴接受呈显著负相关;教育忽视维度与同伴拒绝呈显著正相关。儿童是否受到忽视在同伴接受得分上差异显著,相比未受到忽视的儿童,受到忽视儿童其同伴接受得分更低。回归分析表明,身体/监督忽视负向预测儿童的同伴接受;教育忽视正向预测了儿童的同伴拒绝。4、结构方程模型分析表明,儿童忽视分别通过三组中介变量的作用来影响儿童的同伴接纳性,分别是忽视—受欺负—同伴接受、身体/监督忽视—退缩—同伴接受、教育忽视—亲社会行为—同伴拒绝。模型对男女生的解释力存在差异,“身体/监督忽视—退缩—同伴接受”和“教育忽视—亲社会行为—同伴拒绝”两个模型对男生更具解释力。

【Abstract】 Child neglect is a worldwide problem. As the progress of the social civilization, it has gradually become a hot issue in the field of international child research, and many foreign scholars have paid widespread attention to the field of child neglect. Neglect often brings irreplaceable psychological trauma to children, resulting in personality, psychology and behavior disorder, affecting the normal development of them. At present, lots of studys on child neglect have been reported in foreign countries. However, there were few special study domestically. We do not know enough about the general situation and negative consequences of child neglect, so the present study tried to examine the characteristics of child neglect and the relationship among child neglect, social behavior and peer acceptance. Meanwhile, researchers inferred that, social behavior has mediating the effect of child neglect on peer acceptance.Peer nomination and questionnaire method were applied in this survey.824 children from grade 4 to 5 in three primary schools of Harbin were investigated (503 children were participated in study of social behavior and peer acceptance).The results showed:1.259 children (31.4% of the total) reported neglect experiences. The prevalence of emotional neglect, educational neglect, physical/supervisory neglect were 36.5%,35.4%, 36.4% respectively. There were significant gender difference on scores of child neglect, male students scored higher than female students; There was not significant grade difference on scores of neglect.2.Significantly negative correlation was found between child neglect (educational neglect, physical/supervisory neglect) and prosocial behavior; significantly positive correlation was found bewteen child neglect (emotional neglect, educational neglect) and victimization, child neglect (physical/supervisory neglect) and withdrawal behavior. Children who had been neglected had different scores of social behavior. they scored higher victimization, higher withdrawal behavior and lower prosocial behavior than the children who had not been neglected. Regression analysis showed that Child neglect were positively predicted the extent of victimization; physical/supervisory neglect were positively predicted the extent of withdrawal behavior; Educational neglect negatively predicted children’s prosocial behavior.3.Significantly negative correlation was found bewteen child neglect (educational neglect, physical/supervisory neglect) and peer acceptance; significantly positive correlation was found bewteen chid neglect (educational neglect) and peer rejection. Children who had been neglected had different scores of peer acceptance. they scored lower peer acceptance than the children who had not been neglected. Regression analysis showed that physical/supervisory neglect were negatively predicted the peer acceptance; Educational neglect positively predicted children’s peer rejection.4.Results from SEM indicated that child neglect has impact on peer acceptance through 3 type mediator effect:neglect-victimization-peer acceptance, physical/ supervisory neglect-withdrawal behavior-peer acceptance, educational neglect-prosocial behavior-peer rejection. There was significant gender difference on the latter two models, that is, they are more suitable for male students.

【关键词】 儿童忽视同伴接纳性社会行为
【Key words】 child neglectpeer acceptancesocial behavior