

Study on Side Abutment Pressure Distribution and Control Measures for Reservation Roadway

【作者】 杨友伟

【导师】 吴士良;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 采矿工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 针对布尔台煤矿3-1煤首采工作面一侧保留巷道受采动影响后围岩破坏严重的问题,综合运用岩体力学及矿山压力理论、结合数值模拟及现场实测,初步研究了上覆岩层空间结构与侧向支承压力分布规律的关系以及相邻工作面压力叠加的影响,分析了保留巷道受支承压力影响破坏的机理,并提出了治理措施。现场实测中,采取钻孔冲洗液法得到裂隙带高度140m,冒落带高度13.16m。侧向支承压力在工作面推过24m后开始显著上升并持续增加,直到156m达到最大值。理论分析得出走向推进达1.27H-1.5H进入充分采动阶段,上位岩层断裂后,采空区两侧煤壁上两个独立的不稳定较小多层拱结构组合成拱脚分别在两侧实体煤上的大空间结构,覆岩重量全部转移到两侧煤壁,侧向支承压力达到最大。经计算煤柱一侧采动时的塑性区宽度5.8m-9.5m。两侧采动后,煤柱基本处于塑性状态,其稳定性大大降低。通过FLAC3D数值模拟分析得到工作面推进支承压力分布规律与不同错距时两相邻工作面支承压力叠加的影响。保留巷道长时间受侧向支承压力的影响,加上后方工作面超前支承压力叠加作用,其稳定性将进一步降低。提出工作面与巷道合理布局,选取错距为50m-100m,加快工作面推进,尽量缩短侧向支承压力对保留巷道的作用时间。对大断面巷道联合支护参数进行优化,二次支护顶板与两帮均采用注浆锚杆,通过注浆及时加固围岩,,提高岩体的整体强度,限制破碎区向纵深发展。研究工作面侧向支承压力以及保留巷道控制,有利于采场巷道围岩的管理与维护,对矿井的高产高效具有重要的理论和现实意义。

【Abstract】 After the reservation roadway on the side of the 3-1 coal seam first face in BuErtai mine affected by mining, the surrounding rock damaged seriously. It used integrated of rock mechanics, rock pressure theory, numerical simulation and field test to exploring the relationship of overlying strata spatial structure and side abutment pressure distribution, and superposition of adjacent abutment pressure. Then analyzed the mechanism of reservation roadway abutment pressure impact to failure, and proposed control measures.Field test, it uses the drilling fluid method to get that the fissure height is about 140m, the caving height of 13.16m. After the face was mined over 24m, the side abutment pressure start to increase significantly and continue to increase, it did not reach maximum until 156m. It is analysis result that the face access into full extraction stage when the distance advanced up to 1.27H-1.5H. There is the second structure under the coal seam that is a large cycle of broken roof sinking movement. There are two separate smaller multi-arches on both sides of the walls of waste area. After the key strata fracture, the two separate smaller multi-arches form the large space structure that the feet of arch structure distribute on both sides solid coal of the waste area. All the weight of overlying rock transferred to both sides solid coal of the waste area. The side abutment pressure reach maximum.The width of plastic zone at the side of coal pillar that one side mined is 5.8m-9.5m after calculated. After mining both sides, the coal pillar is basic in the plastic state; its stability is greatly reduced.By the means of analysis on FLAC3D numerical simulation, it got the law of abutment pressure distribution when the rapid face advance and abutment pressure superposition influence of two adjacent faces when different distances between the two adjacent faces. Reservation roadway dear the side abutment pressure with a long period. The stability of adjacent rock will be further reduced, when the front abutment pressure of the back face applied to the reservation roadway. It designed program proposed to layout face and roadway, and selected the distance about 50m-100m. It speed up the face forward to try to reduce the pressure on the abutment time to retain the role of the roadway. Optimize the combined support parameters of the large section roadway; it used bolt grouting to support the roof and two walls at the second support. It reinforced surrounding rock and improved the overall strength of rock by grouting in a timely manner, so restricted broken areas to the depth.Study the side abutment pressure distribution of fast mechanized mining face and control reservation roadway are beneficial to surrounding roadway management and maintenance, at the same time they have important theoretical and practical significance to the high production and efficiency of the mine.
