

Ecologicale Security Assessment Based on LUCC and RS/GIS in Jinan City

【作者】 张京钊

【导师】 江涛; 朱运海;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 摄影测量与遥感, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 土地利用与土地覆被变化(LUCC)及其生态环境效应研究是当前地理学全球变化研究的核心内容,而生态安全问题则是生态学、生态经济学研究的热点问题。本文基于山东省自然科学基金“基于GIS/RS的区域生态安全定量评价与多尺度分析的实证研究”等课题,以地处鲁中地区的济南市为研究区域,以2000/2005两年Landsat TM/ETM+和SPOT4全色波段数据为主,土地利用现状数据为辅,对研究区土地利用/覆被变化进行了分析评价,并利用景观格局指数进行了分析和解释。在此基础上构建模型对济南市生态安全进行评价,并逐步进行分析。(1)以多时相遥感影像数据为数据源,对区域土地利用/覆被变化进行了分析评价,并利用景观格局指数进行分析和解释。(2)在压力-状态-响应(P-S-R)模型的基础上,根据区域生态安全评价的需要,提出了状态-诱因-影响-响应(S-I-I-R)模型。并在综合分析土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)对生态安全的影响的基础上,结合人口、经济等统计数据,根据S-I-I-R模型构建了基于LUCC的济南市生态安全评价指标体系,运用层次分析法和综合指数法构建了区域生态安全综合评价模型。(3)在对济南市生态安全整体评价的基础上,为从宏观上认识和把握生态安全的整体分异规律,以县级行政单元尺度对评价结果进行多角度的剖析,找出生态安全的薄弱环节。结果表明,济南市2000年和2005年的土地生态综合安全值分别为0.7291和0.6496,都为“一般状态”,但2005年的土地生态安全值相对于2000年下降幅度较大。分析发现,济南市各城区生态安全水平较低,其中历下区生态安全水平最低。

【Abstract】 Research on land use/cover change(LUCC) and its ecological effects is the key content of geographical study on global change today. And regional ecological security is one of the hot issues of ecology and ecological economics. In this paper, we selected Jinan City, which located in the middle of Shandong province, as the study area, took 2000/2005 two periods Landsat TM/ETM+and SPOT4 Pan-band data-based as primary data, and took the present land utilization situation as auxiliary data. And we utilized supervised classification method which was combined with visual interpretation method to obtain different periods of land using type maps. Applying the spatial pattern analysis methods of landscape ecology, we calculated various time intervals landscape pattern indexes and the landscape component transfer matrix of the study area, and analyzed the characteris and the evolution of landscape pattern of land utilization. Constructe model to carry on the appraisal to the Jinan ecological security, and carry on the analysis gradually.(1) we took the multi-phase remote sensing phantom data as the data pool, carried on the analysis appraisal to the region land use/cover change, and carried on the analysis and the explanation by using the landscape pattern indexs.(2) Based on the P-S-R model, a new state-incentives-Impact-Response (S-I-I-R) model was proposed. The model had some significant merits in ecological security evaluation, which not only inherited synthesis and flexibility of the traditional P-S-R model, but also covered the entire process of security assessment issues of the study area just ecological and the development of regional ecological security counter measures. It meets people’s usual way of thinking and decision-making process. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the impact on ecological security of LUCC, combining statistics data of population, economy etc., and using S-I-I-R model, ecological security assessment index system was built in Jinan City.(3) AHP and Composite index was used the regional ecological security evaluation model. In order to grasp the macro-ecological safety of Jinan Cit, the evaluation results was analysized from county-level scale based on the overall evaluation of ecological security.The result show that comprehensive ecological security evaluation value in Jinan City decreased from 0.7291 to 0.6496 from 2000 to 2005, which were all "normal state". But ecological security evaluation of the land in 2005 had a larger decline compared with 2000.
