

【作者】 顾远

【导师】 罗世凯; 周秋明;

【作者基本信息】 中国工程物理研究院 , 武器系统与运用工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 振动和噪声不仅危害人的听觉系统,还会加速机械结构的老化,影响设备及仪表的精度和使用寿命,阻尼减振技术是有效控制振动和噪声的方法。聚氨酯材料由于其软硬段比例可以调整而被广泛用作阻尼材料。硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料是一种优良的绝热材料和结构材料,但对其阻尼性能的关注较少。本文采用模塑发泡工艺,通过改变配方和工艺条件设计并制备了不同类型的硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料,进行了力学性能测试和动态力学性能测试,讨论了其结构与性能的之间的关系。研究了扩链剂用量及类型对材料性能的影响,结果表明:扩链剂用量适当时,材料的冲击性能和压缩性能得到提高,但是当其用量过高或过低时发生相分离行为而导致材料力学性能的下降;扩链剂用量的增加会导致材料玻璃化转变温度升高、背景内耗降低和储能模量的增大;扩链剂碳原子数量的增加和侧链基团的引入有利于提高材料的冲击性能,柔性基团的引入则恰好相反;同时,碳原子数量的增加有利于降低玻璃化转变温度,侧链基团和柔性基团的引入有利于提高材料的阻尼因子。研究了不同比例和类型的混合聚醚对材料性能的影响,结果表明:无论是官能度为2的聚乙二醇(PEG400)、聚四氢呋喃二醇(PTMG1000),还是官能度为3的聚醚330,都有利于提高材料背景内耗;PTMG1000和聚醚330还能拓宽材料阻尼温域,但得到的材料压缩性能有所下降;混合聚醚的加入对提高材料的冲击性能也有一定的帮助。玻璃微珠有利于提高材料的阻尼因子,背景内耗略有增加,但是玻璃微珠的加入会在一定程度上破坏泡孔结构,从而导致材料的力学性能下降;孔径的变化对材料玻璃化转变温度影响不大,但对阻尼温域和储能模量有较大的影响。

【Abstract】 Mechanical vibration and noise not only hurt system of human being but also threaten the precise of instrument, and damping technology is one of the most efficient methods to control them. Polyurethanes are particularly attractive for a study of the effect of chemical structure on damping because it is possible to change the ratio of hard and soft segments. Rigid polyurethane foam (RPUF) is widely used in adiabatic material and structure material, but that is litter paper focused on its damping property. In this thesis, molded foaming is employed to prepare rigid polyurethane foam with different types by varying formulations and processing conditions.Mechanical test and dynamic mechanical analysis test are performed to discuss the relation between structure and properties.The effects of chain extender with different proportion and different types on RPUF are studied. The results show that the impactive property and compressive property of RPUF are enhanced with the ethylene glycol dose at 3 to 7, but the mechanical properties would be declined when the ethylene glycol dose at 1 and 10 because of the separation of two segment. The damping properties of RPUF would be reduced with the improving of chain extender. The impactive property of RPUF would be improved with the improving of carbon number or the side group, but the result is right-about if the chain containing soft group.The temperature of glass transition would be moved to low temperature with the improving of the number of carbon, and the damping factor would be increased with the side group or the soft group.The influences of the polyether with different proportion and different types on RPUF are researched. The result show that the damping property in low temperature of the RPUF would be improved with all of the polyalcohol, including polyethylene glycol (PEG400), polytetramethylene ether glycols (PTMG1000), and polyether triol 330.The temperature range of the RPUF glass transition containing PTMG1000 or polyether triol 330 would be wider, but the compressive properties would be fallen. The impactive properties of PRUF containing mixing polyether would be better.The damping factor of RPUF with filler could be improved, but the structure of cell would be destroyed, and the mechanical properties would be reduced. The temperatures of the RPUF glass transition with different average cell diameters are mostly sameness, but the temperature range of the glass transition and the storage module are obvious difference.
