

Research of Fully Mechanized Face Spontaneous Combustion Characteristics in the Goaf Based on MATLAB

【作者】 常绪华

【导师】 余明高;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 防灾减灾工程及防护工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,在煤矿开采的过程中,每年由于自燃造成的直接和间接经济损失达数百亿元。随着开采深度的增加,地压现象对煤矿开采的影响日渐突出,地压可以对保护煤体造成破坏,保护煤体被破坏后会造成采空区以及被保护煤体的漏风增加,从而当自燃条件满足后,会造成煤的自然发火。综采工作面煤采出率比较高,但煤矿地质条件复杂多变,当条件合适时,综采面的采空区也会发生自燃。因此,在提高采出率和开采速度的同时,也应该对综采面的采空区的自燃特性进行研究。本文首次把未确知测度理论用于综采面采空区火灾危险性评价研究,基于MATLAB建立了16个影响综采面火灾危险性因素的未确知测度函数,利用MATLAB的绘图功能和未确知测度函数绘出了各个影响因素的测度函数图,从而形象的表示出了各个影响因素对采空区火灾危险性的影响规律。在实践上,利用未确知测度函数计算得出寺河二号井XV1301工作面采空区的火灾危险性等级,从而有利于本煤层的防灭火工作的开展。首次基于最小二乘法对工作面的上隅角瓦斯气体进行了拟合,结合气体相关系数进行了分析。这种方法基于日常观测数据进行分析,不需要另外进行试验,判断结果有利于采空区防漏风措施的开展。沿寺河二号井XV1301工作面倾向埋管进行自燃“三带”观测,得到采空区O2、CH4、和CO浓度数据,首次运用MATLAB的差分功能对观测数据进行分析,这种分析方法可以分析采空区内气体的整体分布变化,然后基于氧浓度的变化,分析得出采空区的自燃“三带”范围,这种方法对于地质条件复杂的矿井非常有用。基于MATLAB的自燃“三带”分析可以分析稀疏数据的“三带”分布,利用三角形为基础的三次方程内插方法可以较好的得出数据的变化趋势。最后,基于自燃“三带”范围和煤的最短自燃发火期,计算得出了该工作面的最小开采速度,从而对该工作面的防灭火工作具有指导作用。

【Abstract】 In recent years, during the process of coal mining, hundreds of billion yuan economic losses owing to spontaneous combustion is caused every year by direct and indirect reasons. With the increase of mining depth, underground pressure phenomenon on the impact of coal mining has become increasingly prominent. Protection coal may be damaged by the underground pressure. Ventilation leakage of goaf and being protected coal seam can be caused by the damaged protection coal. Thus when the spontaneous combustion condition is met, coal’s spontaneous combustion will be caused. Mining rate of the fully mechanized face is relatively high. Whereas because of complex and changefully geological conditions of coal mine, when the condition is suitable, spontaneous combustion can also be occurred in the fully mechanized face’s goaf. Therefore, under increasing the mining rate and mining velocity, at the same time, research of spontaneous combustion characteristics in the fully mechanized face’s goaf should also be studied.In this article, evalution of fully mechanized face based on uncertainty measurement theory is researched in the first time. Uncertainty measurement function of 16 factors that influence the fire risk of fully mechanized face is built by using MATLAB. Uncertainty measurement function picture of various factors is built by using MATLAB’s drawing function and uncertainty measurement function. Thereby, influence law of fire risk in the goaf of various factors is visual expressed. In the practice, fire risk grade of Sihe Erhao mine XV1301 face’s goaf is calculated by using uncertainty measurement function. The result is beneficial to develop fire prevention and extinguishing in this seam. Fitting of upper corner gas of face is studied in the first time and analysis is studied by combining gas’s related coefficient. This method is analyzed by the daily observation datum and does not need to do another experiment. The result is beneficial to develop goaf’s ventilation leakage. The method of whole line layout observation points along Sihe Erhao mine XV1301 face is used and datum of O2、CH4、and CO concentration are obtained. Analysis of observation datum is used in the first time by MATLAB’s differential function. This method can be used to analyse gas’s integral distribution in the goaf. Then, basing on the change of O2 concentration, range of spontaneous combustion“three-zone”in the goaf is obtained. This method is very helpful to mine of complex geological condition. Spontaneous combustion“three-zone”analysis based on MATLAB can be used to analyse sparse data’s“three-zone”distribution. This method based on triangle three times equation’s interpolation and data trend can be better obtained. At last, basing on range of spontaneous combustion“three-zone”and shortest spontaneous combustion period, least mining velocity of this face is calculated. This can provide guidance function for fire prevention and extinguishing in this face.
