

Study on Region Differences about the Ecological Rehabilitation of Soil and Water Conservation: a Case Study of Fujian and Shaanxi

【作者】 聂斌斌

【导师】 张卓文; 蔡强国;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 我国是世界上水土流失最为严重的国家之一,由于水土保持治理时间长、恢复难度大等原因,水利部在全国实施了水土保持生态修复工程。目前全国水土保持生态修复研究工作还不够系统和完善,尚未形成生态修复的理论和技术体系。水土保持生态修复试点工程的实践经验,说明不同区域自然地理环境存在差异性,不同区域生态修复的适宜条件、范围、治理措施、人工治理与生态修复关系、生态效益等方面的研究还有待进一步的深入研究。鉴于此,该论文以红壤福建和黄土高原陕西为典型研究区,以GIS为主要技术手段、利用遥感数据和专题地图、水土保持综合治理现状、植被恢复土壤质量效益变化等数据资料,对福建和陕西二省的水土保持生态修复适宜性、人工治理与生态自然修复在治理面积比例关系和土壤质量效益变化特征及区域差异进行了研究,主要研究结果如下:(1)利用GIS技术进行空间分析,得到福建和陕西二省水土保持生态修复适宜区域的划分图。福建水土保持生态修复适宜面积为5053 km2,占可开展生态修复对象的面积的13.3%,占水土流失总面积的42.4%;陕西水土保持生态修复适宜面积为23911km2,占可开展生态修复对象的面积的24.3%,占水土流失总面积的19%。根据地理分区,结合区域的自然、社会、环境等现状探讨了水土保持生态修复适宜区域的措施布局。并从区内和区间的区域差异探讨了福建和陕西的生态修复适宜区划和措施,分析了区内和区间的区域差异产生的原因。研究丰富了水土保持生态修复在地域区间上的差异研究,有利于根据水土保持生态修复适宜区域进行水土保持规划和实施。(2)利用水土保持综合治理现状资料,分析了人工治理与生态自然修复面积比例关系。福建选取21条典型小流域进行分析,表明人工治理面积与生态自然修复面积的比例约为4:1,与福建水土保持生态修复适宜区域分布范围有一定的差距,陕西通过县级行政区域为单位的治理资料分析得出人工治理面积比例非常大,自然封禁治理面积比例很小,有相当大一部分的县域几乎没有开展水土保持的封禁治理措施,因此,在福建和陕西都应加大水土保持生态修复的实施力度。另外,水土保持综合治理过程中福建生态修复面积所占比例要比陕西的高,生态修复治理面积变化趋势与水土保持生态修复适宜区域的研究划分有一定的吻合性,说明生态修复适宜性研究具有可参考性,对不同区域实施生态修复区域规划提供指导依据。(3)分析了人工植被恢复和自然封禁在恢复过程中土壤有机质、全N、容重、总孔隙度、毛管孔度等土壤质量效益变化规律。福建植被恢复初期人为恢复对土壤质量现状的改善要好于自然恢复,但中后期自然恢复明显要优于人为恢复。陕西在植被恢复初期,自然恢复土壤质量各指标的变化增量要比人为恢复相对要快,土壤质量指标年平均增量也是自然恢复的偏高;中后期土壤质量指标变化随年限变化自然恢复和人为恢复差异不明显。植被自然恢复过程中,福建土壤有机质、全N、容重、总孔隙度、毛管孔度等指标随年限变化的年均增量和增幅都比陕西的大。并从气候、凋落物、水土流失三方面分析了福建和陕西二省在土壤质量效益变化上的区域差异。从土壤质量的效益变化分析了人工治理与生态修复的关系及生态修复在福建和陕西二省区域差异,表明生态修复从长远看要好于人工恢复,福建生态修复效益优于陕西,生态修复能达到费省效宏的效果,优于同类条件下的人工治理方式,为指导人在生态修复过程中的作用提供借鉴。以上研究分别从福建和陕西探讨了水土保持生态修复的适宜性划分、分析了人工治理与生态修复面积比例关系、揭示了植被恢复过程人工植被恢复和自然封禁措施土壤质量的效益变化规律,继而比较了福建和陕西二省在这三方面的区域差异和原因分析。该研究不仅丰富了我国水土保持生态修复在适宜性、治理程度、治理效益等方面的有关研究内容,也为我们探讨不同区域水土保持生态修复评价方法、人和生态修复的关系、生态修复机理研究打下理论基础,并且为进一步加快水土保持治理速度和有效的生态修复措施提供理论和指导意义。

【Abstract】 China is one of the countries with the most serious soil erosion environment. Ministry of Water Resources of P.R.C. has been implementing projects of the ecological rehabilitation of soil and water conservation. However, the research is not enough so far. Former experience of the ecological rehabilitation of soil and water conservation has shown that further study is needed in regions with different natural and geographical environments focusing on zonality discrepancy of suitable conditions of ecological rehabilitation, scope and control measures, the relationship of manual control and ecological repair, eco-efficiency and so on. This study analyzes suitability of the ecological rehabilitation of soil and water conservation, variation of soil quality, area ratio of manual govern to ecological rehabilitation in Fujian and Shaanxi provinces and compares the differences, with GIS as the main technical means. Also the remote sensing data and thematic maps, the comprehensive management of soil and water conservation status, vegetation restoration and changes in soil quality data are used. The major findings are as follows: (1)Through analysis of the object of land-use type and slope and related indicators of soil erosion intensity, population density and annual rainfall suitable division of the region maps of ecological rehabilitation of soil and water conservation is received in the use of GIS technology. In Fujian province, suitability area of the ecological rehabilitation of soil and water conservation is 5053 km2,13.3% of the size of the object to carry out objects ecological rehabilitation, accounting for 42.4% of the total area of soil erosion. In Shaanxi, suitability area of the ecological rehabilitation of soil and water conservation is 23911 km2, 24.3% of the size of the object to carry out ecological restoration, accounting for 19% of the total area of soil erosion. According to geographical divisions, combined with the region’s natural, social and environmental status, measures of the ecological rehabilitation of the soil and water conservation are explored. Finally, the regional differences are analyzed to fill the research gaps.(2)Relation of governance area ratio between Manual govern and ecological rehabilitation, with status of the comprehensive management of soil and water conservation is analyzed. In Fujian, through analyzing selected 21 typical small watershed, the ratio of govern area is about 4:1 between manual govern and ecological rehabilitation, a certain gap contrast to suitability area of the ecological rehabilitation of soil and water conservation. In Shaanxi, by determining the county as the unit of governance data, the proportion of manual govern area is found to be very large and a very small proportion of ecological rehabilitation. In the comprehensive management of the process of soil and water conservation, the percentages of area of ecological rehabilitation in Fujian is higher than that of in Shaanxi, mainly because of status of vegetation, climate, soil erosion are better than those of in Shaanxi, with more appropriate measures for ecological rehabilitation. Comparison of the region and the range of regional differences of ecological rehabilitation under the comprehensive management of soil and water conservation, the status in Fujian is better than that of in Shaanxi. It is explain that the research on appropriateness of ecological rehabilitation can be found of and provided guidance. (3) With the data of predecessors’studies, the process of manual govern and ecological rehabilitation soil organic matter, total N, bulk density, total porosity, capillary pore variation of soil quality and efficiency are analyzed. In Fujian, in early restoration of vegetation restoration, the status of soil quality by manual govern are better than of that by natural recovery, but in the mid and late, natural recovery is more stable, significantly superior to manual govern. In Shaanxi, in the early restoration of vegetation, increment of soil quality and efficiency by natural recovery are relatively faster than those of the number of manual govern, yet in the latter part, soil quality and efficiency is not significantly different between natural recovery and manual govern. In the process of natural recovery of vegetation, the average annual increment and growth of indicators, such as soil organic matter, total N, bulk density, total porosity, capillary porosity in Fujian are greater than that of in Shaanxi. The study indicates that ecological rehabilitation in the long run is better than those of the artificial govern and its benefits in Fujian is superior to that in Shaanxi.The above researches discussed suitability of the ecological rehabilitation ofsoil and water conservation, analyzed governance area ratio of manual govern and ecological rehabilitation, reveal variation of soil quality and efficiency under process of vegetation recovery. And it is reviewed regional difference and causes of its between Fujain and Shaanxi. The study not only enrich status of relevant studies about the suitability, the degree of governance, governance effectiveness of the ecological rehabilitation of soil and water conservation, but also for us to explore in the different regions the assessment methods of the ecological rehabilitation of soil and water conservation, the relationship between human and ecological rehabilitation, mechanism of ecological restoration, to lay the theoretical foundation.
