Buddhism belief and mental health status of aging survivors in Wenchuan earthquake disaster area
【摘要】 目的探讨佛教对震后老年信徒心理健康的影响。方法将216名受灾老年人按照信仰佛教和无宗教信仰分为两组进行协方差分析。两组被试的性别、年龄、婚姻、文化程度等人口学特征完全匹配。结果震后佛教信徒心理健康总分、情绪体验、适应能力的修正均数皆低于无宗教信仰者(F总=7.15,P<0.01;F情绪=11.32,P<0.01;F适应=6.80,P<0.05),抑郁修正均数高于无宗教信仰者(F抑郁=10.64,P<0.01)。结论佛教信仰对震后老年信徒的心理健康有消极影响,信佛者的心理健康水平低于无宗教信仰者。
【Abstract】 Objective To detect the effect of Buddhism belief of elderly believers′ mental health status after Wenchuan earthquake.Methods 216 aging survivors were divided into Buddhism-belief and non-belief groups.All people were administered by Chinese mental health inventory.Results There was a significant difference in mental health between the two groups.After the earthquake,the general level of Buddhism-group was lower in Buddhism-belief group than that in non-belief group.Same tendency existed in emotional experience and adapt ability dimensions.The depress score was higher in Buddhism-group believers.Conclusions Aging Buddhism believers show a worse mental health status in the aftermath of Wenchuan earthquake.
【Key words】 Buddhism belief; Aging Buddhism believers; Mental health status; Wenchuan earthquake;
- 【文献出处】 中国老年学杂志 ,Chinese Journal of Gerontology , 编辑部邮箱 ,2009年10期
- 【分类号】B948;R395
- 【被引频次】28
- 【下载频次】570