

Evaluation and improvement of agricultural land resource utilization efficiency:A case study of Jiangxi Province

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【作者】 黄和平王智鹏

【Author】 HUANG Heping;WANG Zhipeng;Institute of Ecological Economics, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics;

【机构】 江西财经大学生态经济研究院

【摘要】 土地资源是世间万物生存与发展的根本,科学评估农业土地资源利用效率时空演变特征,厘清其效率损失原因与改善路径,对缓解人地矛盾、保障粮食安全和实现农业可持续发展有着十分重要的意义。本文以江西省11个设区市为研究区域,将土地资源生态价值纳入投入产出指标体系,利用VRS-DEA模型与Malmquist指数对1990—2016年江西省农业土地资源利用效率时空特征进行分解分析,定量分析农业土地资源利用效率损失原因,并给出改善农业土地资源利用效率的有效路径。结果表明:1)江西省农业土地资源整体利用效率较高, 1990—2016年呈现"先下降后上升"的变动趋势,效率均值为0.889; 2)从效率分解情况来看,综合技术效率是纯技术效率和规模效率共同作用的结果,但规模效率影响能力强于纯技术效率; 3)从空间格局演变角度来看,区域间效率变化轨迹差异显著,非均衡发展趋势较为突出,呈现"大聚集-小分散"的分布特征,梯形层次明显; 4)从全要素生产率动态变化情况来看,江西省农业土地资源利用全要素生产率整体呈增长趋势,技术进步贡献最大,且全要素生产率增长属于技术进步"单轨驱动"模式;5)从效率损失原因来看,种植业产值产出不足是效率损失的主要原因,农药化肥、种植业从业人员等要素投入冗余是次要原因; 6)从效率改善路径来看,优化资源要素配置,规范减少农药化肥使用,逐步转移农村剩余劳动力,提高土地生产机械化、规模化水平是改善农业土地资源利用效率的关键路径。该研究结果可为深入了解江西省农业土地资源整体利用形势、识别存在问题和优化发展路径提供参考,同时为未来政府制定农业土地资源高效利用与管理决策提供科学依据。

【Abstract】 Land resources are material carriers for human reproduction, the basis of socioeconomic and cultural development, and the foundation for the survival and development of all things worldwide. Scientific evaluation of the spatial-temporal evolution characteristics of agricultural land use efficiency is necessary for alleviating negative impacts due to interactions between humans and land and for ensuring food security. The utilization efficiency of land resources has been the focus of academic attention and research. It is of great significance to assess the reasons for the loss of land efficiency and to find ways to improve it for sustainable agricultural development. In this study, the VRS-DEA(Variable Scale Reward-Date Envelopment Analysis) model and Malmquist index were used to analyze the spatial-temporal characteristics of agricultural land resource utilization efficiency in Jiangxi Province from 1990 to 2016. And the ecological value of agricultural land resources was incorporated into an input-output index system to quantitatively analyze the causes of its efficiency loss, and suggest effective ways to improve the agricultural land resource utilization efficiency in Jiangxi Province. The results of the research showed that: 1) The overall utilization efficiency of agricultural land resources was relatively high in Jiangxi Province. From 1990 to 2016, the utilization efficiency first decreased and then increased, with an average efficiency of 0.889. 2) Regarding efficiency decomposition, the comprehensive technical efficiency was the combination of pure technical and scale efficiencies; however, the scale efficiency impact was stronger than that of pure technical efficiency; therefore, the inefficiency of scale was an important reason for the inefficiency of comprehensive technology. 3) With regard to spatial pattern evolution, there were significant differences in the trajectories of efficiency variations among regions, and the trend of non-equilibrium development was more prominent. Over the years, the efficient and relatively efficient areas of DEA were mainly distributed in the cities of north-central Jiangxi, showing "large aggregation-small dispersion" characteristics with obvious trapezoidal layers. 4) The total factor productivity(TFP) of agricultural land resource utilization generally increased in Jiangxi Province. The contribution of technological progress was the largest, and the growth of total factor productivity was a result of the "monorail-driven" mode of technological progress. The main factors restricting the growth of TFP of agricultural land resource utilization were the low pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency. 5) The lack of output value of crop production was the main reason for loss of efficiency.The redundant input of pesticides, fertilizers, and planting practitioners were the secondary causes. The reasons for the loss of agricultural land use efficiency in different cities were different, and the input and output factors had great potential for improvement. 6) Regarding the efficiency improvement path, optimizing the allocation of resources, standardizing the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, gradually transferring surplus rural labor, and improving the level of mechanization and scale of land production were key to improving the efficiency of land resource utilization. The research results could provide a reference for further understanding the overall utilization situation of agricultural land resources, identifying existing problems, and optimizing the development path in Jiangxi Province. This research provided a scientific basis to formulate efficient utilization and management decisions of agricultural land resources in the future.

【基金】 国家自然科学基金项目(41661113);江西省社会科学规划项目(18YJ13);江西省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地招标项目(JD17042)资助~~
  • 【文献出处】 中国生态农业学报(中英文) ,Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年05期
  • 【分类号】F321.1
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】601