

New Developments in the Seismic Exploration for China’s Coal Industry

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【作者】 时作舟唐建益方正

【机构】 中国煤田地质总局

【摘要】 近年,为适应淮南、淮北、平顶山、兖州、神木、潞安、开滦等大型、特大型煤矿区综合机械化采煤的需要,发展了一种专门为采区设计服务的地震技术,在为煤炭工业生产和建设提供更高精度的地质成果方面取得了重大进展。本文以实例,简要论述了近年来地震勘探技术的新进展,包括高分辨率地震、煤矿采区地震、高分辨率三维地震、煤层横向预测、VSP以及岩溶地震勘探技术。

【Abstract】 A mining district designoriented seismic technique was developed over the recent years to meet the demands from fully mechanizedcoal mining operations in the large and extra-large coal mines in Huainan, Huaibei, Pingdingshan, Yanzhou,Shenmu, Lulan and Kailuan, etc. This has been regarded as a major development towards providinggeological exploration means of higher precision for production and construction in China’s coal sector. Withliving examples, the article gives an account about the latest development in ChinaIS seismic explorationtechniques including high definition seismic exploration technique, mining district seismic explorationtechnique, high definition 3-D seismic technique, coal seam lateral prediction technique, VSP and Karstseismic exploration technique.

【关键词】 地震勘探采区探测进展煤田地质
  • 【文献出处】 中国煤炭 ,CHINA COAL , 编辑部邮箱 ,1998年01期
  • 【分类号】P618.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】110