Mathematic Model of 25 and 13mm Particles Motioning in Jigging
【摘要】 在模型跳汰实验系统上,利用高速摄像机和动态分析软件,以100帧/s的速度拍摄了跳汰过程的颗粒运动图像,研究了两个密度、两个粒度颗粒在60余组实验条件下的运动过程,得到多组颗粒运动曲线,其中位移曲线的特性符合阻尼强迫振动规律;建立了颗粒运动的振动微分方程,并给出了解的表达式.颗粒运动的位移、速度、加速度、受力、动能等参数与跳汰机风压有直接的线性关系,与跳汰周期、床层松散度、颗粒的质量、密度、粒度等参数有明确的非线性关系.
【Abstract】 With the help of a high-speed video and dynamic analysis soft,the motion images of particles during the jigging in an experimental model system were shot at the speed of 100 frames per second.The motions of the particles with two size fractions and two density fractions under more than 60groups experimental conditions were investigated.The particles motion curves were obtained.The position curve of particles is similar to that of typical damped vibration.The motion differential equation of particles was educed and the solution equations were gained.In the equations the motion parameters,including velocity,acceleration and force,are in a direct proportion to the air pressure,and have a definite non-linear relationship with jigging cycle,thickness,mobility of jig bed,mass and size of the particles.
- 【文献出处】 中国矿业大学学报 ,Journal of China University of Mining & Technology , 编辑部邮箱 ,2010年06期
- 【分类号】TD922.1
- 【被引频次】8
- 【下载频次】175