The Data Processing Software of Source Parametersfor Middle or Small Earthquakes Based on MATLAB
【摘要】 基于Brune模型,以最新的理论方法及计算技术为基础,在MATLAB平台下开发研制了中小地震震源参数计算软件。介绍了软件设计的思路、理论原理,方法实现及资料处理过程,简述软件模块功能及使用方法,深入分析地震震源参数计算过程中的介质非弹性非均匀性衰减校正,几何扩散、仪器响应、场地响应校正,波谱计算及实现过程等。研发的该软件计算过程稳定可靠,界面设计友好。
【Abstract】 A date processing window software of source parameters for small earthquakes that is developed based on the MATAB platform and the brune model is designed.Its design reason,data processing and the usage of function modules in the visual software are introduced.Also some effects,produced by wave inelastic and heterogeneous attenuation,geometrical spreading,instrument and site response in the data processing,are analyzed.For easy use,in the design of the program the defaults of control parameters is set reasonably but keep the input interface for important control parameters.
【Key words】 Source parameter; Data processing; Visual program; MATLAB;
- 【文献出处】 西北地震学报 ,Northwestern Seismological Journal , 编辑部邮箱 ,2008年04期
- 【分类号】P315.61
- 【被引频次】30
- 【下载频次】140