

Polarimetric SAR Interferometry

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【作者】 杨震杨汝良

【Author】 YANG Zhen, YANG Ru-liang (Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Scienses, Beijing 100080, China)

【机构】 中国科学院电子学研究所!北京100080

【摘要】 极化合成孔径雷达干涉 ( Pol- In SAR)技术是将极化技术引入干涉应用 ,通过对全相干的极化数据进行干涉分析 ,可以把目标的精细结构特征与空间信息结合起来 ,大大提高一般标量干涉的性能。极化合成孔径雷达干涉技术不但可以加强我们对地物目标散射机理的理解 ,而且能提高干涉测量的精度 ,是很有发展前途的一项新兴技术。介绍了极化合成孔径雷达干涉技术的发展状况和基本原理 ,讨论了一些需要解决的关键问题 ,并给出了该技术的主要应用和发展趋势

【Abstract】 The development of radar polarimetry and radar interferometry is advancing rapid ly. With radar polarimetry, the textural fine-structure, target orientation, sy stemmetries and material constituents can be recovered with considerable improve ment above that of standard amplitude-only radar; with radar interferomety, the elevation structure of a target can be explored. In Polarimetric Synthetic Aper ture Radar Interferometry (Pol-InSAR) imaging, it is possible to recover such c o-registered textural and spatial information from Pol-InSAR data sets simultan eously. Pol-InSAR technique significantly improves the performance of conventio nal scalar radar interferometry by introducing radar polarimetry technique into SAR interferometry. Polarimetric SAR interferometry generates different interfer ograms of the same scene. Each interferogram is associated with a particular sca ttering mechanism. The interferometric analysis of a full coherent polarimetric data set enables the combination of the final structure properties and the spati al information of the target. Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferomet ry is a potential technique, which not only allows a more sophisticated physical interpretation of scattering mechanism but also improves the accuracy of the in terferometric measurements. In this paper we introduce the development of this t echnique and its basic principles, and then discuss some key problems that must be solved. Finally, we present the applications and developing tendency of Pol- InSAR technique.

  • 【文献出处】 遥感技术与应用 ,Remote Sensing Technology and Application , 编辑部邮箱 ,2001年03期
  • 【分类号】TN958
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】408