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【摘要】 目的探讨全人关顾护理理念在地震伤员中的应用方法。方法为地震伤员设置了专用"爱心病房",以全人关顾护理理念为指导,多角度、全方位对伤员实施护理,以专科护士为龙头,进行专科专病护理,注重康复治疗。结果伤员及其家属对护理服务满意度高达100%,12名伤员均康复出院。结论"爱心病房"实践行动的圆满完成,证明了全人关顾护理理念与实践相结合,能充分发挥其在护理上的重要理论指导作用。

【Abstract】 Objective To explore the concept of "whole person nursing" in nursing earthquake victims. Methods The Loving wards were established specially for the 12 earthquake victims, where the patients were cared with the concept of "whole person nursing" under the leadership of special nurses . Rehabilitation treatment and special nursing were paid attention to in these wards. Results The satisfaction rate from the patients and their families was 100%. The 12 patients in our hospital were restored and discharged. Conclusions The full completion of "the loving wards" has proven that the nursing mode can fully display the important instructive function of theory in nursing if the concept of "whole person nursing"combines with practice.

【关键词】 全人关顾护理理念爱心病房
【Key words】 whole person nursingnursing conceptloving wards
  • 【文献出处】 现代临床护理 ,Modern Clinical Nursing , 编辑部邮箱 ,2008年10期
  • 【分类号】R473
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】114