

Probability-based Seismic Response Analysis of Near-field Motions

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【作者】 张海明易伟建邝世杰

【Author】 ZHANG Hai-ming1,YI Wei-jian1,KUANG Shi-jie2(1.Department of Civil Engineering,Hunan University,Changsha 410082,China;2.Guangzhou Pearl River Foreign Investment Architectural Designing Institute,Guangzhou 510060,China)

【机构】 湖南大学土木工程学院珠江外资建筑设计院

【摘要】 着重于研究一般框架结构在脉冲型近场地震纪录作用下的地震反应,并得到其均值和标准差。近场脉冲周期TP对结构的地震反应影响尤为重要,特别反映在层间位移比的竖向分布形式上。该文大致按照TP与结构周期T1的关系,把一般框架结构分为TP>T1和TP<T1,分别考察了在不同脉冲周期作用下的结构反应。该文参考了以往的研究,认为地震峰值速度(PGV)是一个能有效地表征近场脉冲地震的强度指标。这里把56条近场脉冲记录中的PGV分别放大到40 cm/s、80 cm/s、120 cm/s、160 cm/s以及200 cm/s,并且得到所选择结构在不同地震强度下反应值(例如,层间最大位移比)的概率分布密度。同时采纳了地震动年超越经验公式λ(IM)=k0(IM)-k来评价地震危险性。最后,采用基于强度指标的方法评估了结构反应的年平均超越概率,从而得到一般框架结构的地震反应概率分布密度。

【Abstract】 This paper lies on investigating the seismic response of the normal moment frames undergoing the near-field records(NFR) with significant pulses signal.It is revealed that the seismic response values abide the lognormal distribution and the mean and the dispersion are also calculated.As we know,the relation between the fundamental period T1 of building and the pulse period Tp is significant on the structural seismic response,especially on the vertical distribution of inter-storey drift ratio.The structures are divided into two groups as the one of TP>T1 and another of TP<T1.So the response of buildings under NFRs containing different TP will be observed here,respectively.Accordingly,the existing researches have demonstrated that the peak ground velocity(PGV) is an effective intensity measure.So we scale the value of PGV to be 40 cm/s,80 cm/s,120 cm/s,160 cm/sand 200 cm/s,respectively.Finally,The probability density function(PDF) of the response parameters(such as maximum inter-storey drift ratio) of the buildings under different intensity levels can be calculated.Simultaneously,The annual exceeding probability regression function λ(IM)=k0(IM)-k is adopted to evaluate the seismic hazard of the structures.And then,the IM-based approach is used to evaluate the mean annual exceeding probability of the seismic response,so the PDF of the seismic response of the buildings can be concluded,as encountering to the pulse-like records.

  • 【文献出处】 武汉理工大学学报 ,Journal of Wuhan University of Technology , 编辑部邮箱 ,2010年09期
  • 【分类号】TU311.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】68