TMD Control Analysis of High-rise Buildings under Seismic Loading
【摘要】 本文进行了TMD超高层结构有限元模型的模态分析和地震时程分析.在优化参数的基础上,研究了二类场地下地震波对结构-TMD系统的影响,分析了TMD在地震作用下的减震效果.同时,引入能量平衡原理,采用时程分析法研究了TMD系统在地震激励下主结构各能量响应的分布变化规律.综合考虑了质量比与阻尼比对TMD控制效果的影响,给出了在超高层建筑中符合实际工程的参数取值.结果表明:TMD系统对结构峰值和能量响应有明显的控制效果,但TMD的反应具有一定的滞后性,可适用于中长周期的超高层建筑.由于实际工程可行性的限制,TMD的参数值不能随意取大,质量比和阻尼比过大反而会影响控制效果.因此,其参数值具有一定的取值范围.
【Abstract】 This paper has carried out the modal analysis and seismic time-history analysis on the super high-rise structures equipped with Tuned Mass Dampers(TMD) by using finite element model. On the basis of optimizing parameters, it studies the influence of second field on the structures equipped with TMD system under seismic waves, and analyzes the shock absorption effect of TMD under the action of the earthquake. At the same time, it introduces the principle of energy balance,and analyzes the distribution change law of each energy response in the main structure equipped with TMD system under earthquake excitation by using time-history analysis. Considering the mass ratio and damping ratio on the effects of the TMD control in high-rise buildings, the paper provides the parameter selections for practical engineering. Results show that the TMD system has obvious control effect on peak value and energy response, but the TMD reaction has certain hysteresis; it is applicable to middle and long-term super-tall buildings. Because of the limitation of actual engineering feasibility,TMD parameter values should not be too large;if the mass ratio and damping ratio are too large,they will affect the control effect;therefore,the parameter values should be in a certain range.
【Key words】 TMD system; high-rise building; seismic time-history analysis; energy response;
- 【文献出处】 天津城市建设学院学报 ,Journal of Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction , 编辑部邮箱 ,2013年03期
- 【分类号】TU973.31
- 【下载频次】87