Review of the criticism on Australian nationalism writers
【摘要】 澳大利亚民族主义文学标志着澳大利亚本土文学的发轫,其文学成就在澳大利亚文学史版图中占据着重要位置。论文以澳大利亚民族主义时期经典作家劳森、弗菲、弗兰克林、拉德等作家的批评成果为研究对象,着重考察澳大利亚学界相关研究成就和最新动态。对国外学界批评成果研究后发现,国外学界对澳大利亚民族主义经典作家批评成果丰硕且历久弥新,国内相关研究尚处于起步阶段,是一块有待开垦的园地。批评论析旨在为国内研究同仁拓展理论维度、开阔研究思路、提供研究视角。
【Abstract】 This paper aims at the criticism on Australian nationalism writers from different perspectives in different ages to analyze the nationalism writers’ contributions to Australian literature. Based on the analysis of the previous criticism on both overseas and domestic researches, this paper points out that the research on Australian nationalism literature in China is still in the infant stage, which remains to be unveiled from Chinese unique perspectives with the Australian criticism in mind.
【Key words】 Australia; nationalism; Classic writers; criticism analysis;
- 【文献出处】 外语教学 ,Foreign Language Education , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年03期
- 【分类号】I611.06
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】232