Experimental analysis of low-cut filter in seismic acquisition.
【摘要】 根据高分辨率地震勘探对高低频能量均衡的要求 ,对低截滤波进行了多次试验。通过试验分析 ,认为在胜利探区 ,进行 1.0s以下地层勘探 ,在没有有效提高高频信噪比的条件下 ,应结合检波器的型号 ,不加或加小陡度的小低截滤波器 ,这样 ,可以保证地震波优势频带内的信噪比
【Abstract】 Many experiments on low cut filter were carry out to meet the requirement that balance of high frequency energy and low frequency energy is necessity for high resolution seismic exploration. The experiments show that to retain the S/N ratio for predominant seismic wave band, on low cut filter or low cut filter with low dip should be applied varying with the type of geophones, if S/N ratio was not improved effectively for seismic exploration below 1.0s in Shengli prospect area.
- 【文献出处】 石油物探 ,Geophysical Prospecting For Petrole , 编辑部邮箱 ,2001年02期
- 【分类号】P631.4
- 【被引频次】4
- 【下载频次】47