

Model-driving shallow-water-layer multiple attenuation inτ-pdomain

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【作者】 冯全雄王彦春李三福但志伟张兴岩方中于

【Author】 Feng Quanxiong;Wang Yanchun;Li Sanfu;Dan Zhiwei;Zhang Xingyan;Fang Zhongyu;China University of Geosciences (Beijing);CNOOC International Limited;Geophysics Department,Ener-Tech Engineering Research Institute,CNOOC;

【机构】 中国地质大学(北京)中国海洋石油国际有限公司中海油能源发展工程技术物探技术研究所

【摘要】 在近海油气地震勘探中,压制在海面及海底之间的短周期水层多次波一直是海洋地震资料处理的难点,传统上采用预测反褶积或SRME压制此类多次波存在很大局限性。因此,本文提出了一种τ-p域水体模型驱动压制浅水区水层多次波方法,该方法在τ-p域用已知水层参数(水速和水深)构建初始模型,并利用波场延拓方法来预测水层多次波模型,然后采用自适应相减从原始数据消除多次波。通过理论模型试算和实际数据应用,表明此法能有效压制浅水区水层多次波。

【Abstract】 To attenuate shallow-water-layer multiples between the sea surface and the ocean bottom remains a difficulty of marine seismic processing.Conventional methods such as predictive deconvolution and SRME,have significant limitations.We propose in this paper a new method for removing this kind of multiples,called model-driven shallow-water-layer multiple attenuation. We first build an initial model in domain with water velocity and depth,and then predict shallow water-layer multiple with wavelength continuation method.Finally we attenuate multiples from seismic data with self-adaption subtraction.Both model tests and real data processing show that the proposed method can attenuate shallow-water-layer multiples.

【基金】 国家科技重大专项(2008ZX05025-003)资助
  • 【文献出处】 石油地球物理勘探 ,Oil Geophysical Prospecting , 编辑部邮箱 ,2015年01期
  • 【分类号】P631.46
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】147