

Marquis Guangchan and the Worship of Niuwang in Shanxi, during Yuan Dynasty

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【作者】 延保全

【Author】 YAN Bao-quan (The Opera and Cultural Relics Research Institute, Shanxi Teachers’ Univ. Linfen, Shanxi 041004, China)

【机构】 山西师范大学戏曲文物研究所 山西临汾041004

【摘要】 牛王被称为“广禅侯”者 ,不只临汾市魏村牛王庙。关于广禅侯的来历 ,见诸正史的是宋真宗到泰山封禅时所加号的“亭山神庙” ,但是否与牛王有关 ,有待确证。种种迹象表明 ,被封为“广禅侯”的牛王 ,很可能是传闻因医治宋兵战马有功而被宋徽宗加封的阳城县山头村牧医常顺 ,后来被进一步神化和衍化。在元代的山西 ,大量广禅侯庙的建立 ,与普通百姓崇拜牛王的心理有关 ,而更深层的原因则与元代统治者强有力的劝农措施密不可分

【Abstract】 Niuwang is called as Marquis Guangchan not only worshiped in Wei village in Linfen city. About the past history of Marquis Guangshan there was Pavillion Temple God of Taishan mountain, which the third emperor in North Song Dynasty offered. However the relation between this above and Niuwang is not definite. All the signs indicate Niuwang-Marquis Guangchan is likely a veterinary surgeon named as Changchun, who is offered high status and posts by the sixth emperor. It is said that he had cured a lot of native war-horses. Time flew away and he was further deified and developed. Many temples bulit in Shanxi in Yuan Dynasty is superficially because of the common people’s worship of Niuwang, but in essence of the agriculture measures of the ruler.

  • 【文献出处】 山西师大学报(社会科学版) ,Journal of Shanxi Teachers University(Social Science Edition) , 编辑部邮箱 ,2003年04期
  • 【分类号】K247
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】197