

Analysis of spatio-temporal variation and factors influencing surface temperature in Liaoning Province

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【作者】 张威纪然

【Author】 ZHANG Wei;JI Ran;College of Urban and Environmental Sciences of Liaoning Normal University;

【通讯作者】 纪然;

【机构】 辽宁师范大学城市与环境学院

【摘要】 地温是评价气候变化的重要指标,对土壤的成分、结构以及形成和演化都具有很大影响。分析地温自身的时空变化规律以及与气候间的相互关系,对深入了解地气间相互作用的机理、明确气候变化的响应规律、预测未来地温的发展趋势等方面具有重要的科学意义。辽宁省位于内蒙古高原向渤海湾的过渡地带,地形地势复杂,此外辽宁省又处在季节性冻土区,地温的变化机制更具复杂性。利用辽宁省24个气象站点1960—2016年0cm地温(地表温度)数据和各气象要素(气温、日照时数、风速、降水量)数据资料,采用气候倾向率法、Mann-Kendall突变分析、小波周期分析等方法,系统的分析辽宁省地表温度的时空变化特征以及与气候要素间的关系。结果表明:辽宁省地表温度年际变化随时间向暖趋势发展,气候倾向率达0.36℃/10a,不同年代际存在不同的变化趋势,其中20世纪60—80年代低于多年平均地表温度,90年代至21世纪10年代高于多年平均地表温度,此外冬季地表温度增温幅度最大;突变分析显示在1995年发生突变,经检验其升高趋势显著;经周期分析显示辽宁省年地表温度具有30—46a和19—25a的两种时间尺度的周期变化;年地表温度呈西南向东北逐渐降低分布特征。相关分析表明,地表温度与气温的相关性最大,并且其大小在整个区域内呈西高东低的分布特点;在与降水的关系中,降水量高的年份地表温度均比较低,夏季受降水和日照时数的影响最显著,地表温度与风速均呈负相关,但夏季相关性较小,考虑夏季地表温度主要是受气温、日照和降水共同的作用,弱化了风速对地表温度的影响。

【Abstract】 Ground temperature is an important indicator for evaluating climate change and has a great impact on soil composition, structure, formation and evolution. It is of great scientific significance to analyze the temporal and spatial variation in geothermal temperature and its relationship with climate, to understand the mechanism of interaction between Geo Atmosphere and atmosphere, to clarify the response to climate change, and to predict the development trend of future geothermal temperature. Liaoning Province is located in the transition zone from the Inner Mongolia Plateau to Bohai Bay. The topography in this region is complicated. In addition, Liaoning Province is located in a seasonal permafrost, and the mechanism of ground temperature change is more complicated. This paper adopted 0 cm ground temperature(surface temperature) data and various meteorological(temperature, sunshine hours, wind speed, precipitation) data from 24 meteorological stations in Liaoning Province from 1960 to 2016. The climate inclination rate, Mann-Kendall mutation analysis, and wavelet period analysis are used to systematically analyze the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of surface temperature in Liaoning Province and their relationship with climate elements. The results indicated that interannual variation in surface temperature of Liaoning Province get a warming trend from time to time, and the climate tendency rate reaches 0.36 ℃/10 a. There are different trends in different ages, the average surface temperature in the 1960 s—1980 s, and from the 1990 s to the 2010 s was higher than the average surface temperature for many years, and in addition, the surface temperature in winter was the highest. Mutational analysis showed a mutation in 1995, which showed a significant increase in the trend. The periodic analysis shows that the annual surface temperature of Liaoning Province showed periodic changes over two time scales 30—46 a and 19—25 a. The annual surface temperature gradually decreases from the southwest to northeast. Correlation analysis shows that the correlation between surface temperature and temperature was the highest; the magnitude of the correlation showed a character that the western region is higher than eastern region. and was characterized by the distribution of high west and low east throughout the region. In terms of the relationship with precipitation, the surface temperature in the years with high precipitation was relatively low, and that in the summer was most affected by precipitation and sunshine hours. The surface temperature and wind speed are negatively correlated, but the correlation in summer was smaller than that in the winter, the impact of wind speed on surface temperature is weakened by all the effects of temperature, sunshine, and precipitation.

【基金】 国家自然科学基金项目(41671005,41271093)
  • 【文献出处】 生态学报 ,Acta Ecologica Sinica , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年18期
  • 【分类号】S152.8
  • 【网络出版时间】2019-07-04 16:06
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1111