

Investigating and assessing potential land consolidation in a key ecological function area:a case study of Kaihua county, Zhejiang province

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【作者】 赵建强汪林旺朱秀鑫李海生

【Author】 ZHAO Jianqiang;WANG Linwang;ZHU Xiuxin;LI Haisheng;Institute of Real Estate, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics;Kaihua County Natural Resources and Planning Bureau;Hangzhou Juhe Land Planning Design Company;

【机构】 浙江财经大学不动产研究所开化县自然资源和规划局杭州聚和土地规划设计有限公司

【摘要】 按照开化县重点生态功能区的主体功能定位,开展土地整治潜力调查评价方法研究。根据其地形地貌、土地类型等自然地理特征,针对性地确定调查重点区域,按照实际调查情况进行评价和分析,确定土地整治潜力的类型、整治的难易程度和实施的可行性,并提出评价成果应用于生态修复、乡村全域土地综合整治等建议。

【Abstract】 This study investigates the potential of land consolidation within the Kaihua County’s development of an ecological function area. According to local topography and land use type characteristics, we firstly divide the key investigation regions and evaluate the processes and results. We then determine the types of land consolidation potential,implementation inaccessibility and feasibility. Finally, we propose the application of land consolidation in ecological restoration and rural comprehensive reclamation areas.

【基金】 浙江省自然资源厅科研项目“浙江省主体功能区规划”
  • 【文献出处】 上海国土资源 ,Shanghai Land & Resources , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年01期
  • 【分类号】F301.2;X24
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】346