

Status Quo Analysis and Optimization Design of Hydrological Network in Source Region of Dongjiang River

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【作者】 曾金凤陈厚荣刘玉春曾阳松

【Author】 ZENG Jinfeng;CHEN Hourong;LIU Yuchun;ZENG Yangsong;Ganzhou Municipal Hydrology Bureau of Jiangxi Province;

【机构】 江西省赣州市水文局

【摘要】 立足水文站网现状及存在问题,依据水文监测改革指导要求,以遵循导则满足水文传统业务要求、以需求为导向拓展水文服务功能、主动作为策应各项护源政策实施、适度超前满足山区源头类水生态研究需要、立足现状优化提升水文站网综合功能5个主要原则,从服务于最严格水资源管理、生态补偿、"河长制"工作、监测地热水与地质变化、降雨径流特性分析、监控稀土矿修复治理、分析果业开发影响、监控水库群泥沙变化、加强落实水资源双控管理、评估水生态系统修复效果10条设计思路对水文站网进行调整、优化、完善、提升。整合后监测站点由94站上升到105站,主要监测要素由9项147处拓展到14项319处。优化后的水文站网监测要素齐全、站网密度大、功能多样,实现了对东江源区水资源各监测要素较为完整的时间和空间分布变化控制,便于掌握研究其水文特性,满足不同层次不同目标水文信息需求。同时,也便于水文部门实行站队结合开展水文巡测,充分发挥了一站多项和单站综合功能,提高了站网的社会效益和经济效益,为江西省"赣、饶、信、抚、修"五河源头区保护监测提供示范。

【Abstract】 Based on the current situation and existing problems of the hydrological network, and according to the requirements of the hydrological monitoring reform, and the five principles of meeting the requirements for the traditional hydrological affairs based on guidelines, expanding the hydrological services based on demand, actively implementing various source protection policies, moderately satisfying the needs for ecological study on river sourced from mountainous regions in advance, and optimizing and improving the comprehensive functions of hydrological network based on the status quo, the hydrological network is adjusted, optimized and improved with 10 design ideas, including strict management of water resources, ecological compensation, "river chief system", monitoring of geothermal water and geological changes, rainfall-runoff characteristic analysis, control of restoration and treatment of rare earth mines, analysis of the impact of fruit industry development, monitoring of sediment changes in reservoirs, strengthening and implementation of dual control management of water resources, and assessment of the effects of water ecosystem restoration. After the integration, the number of monitoring station increased from 94 to 105, and the number of main monitoring elementsrose from 147 in 9 items to 319 in 14 items. The optimized hydrological network is featured with complete monitoring elements, high network density and diverse functions, which achieves a complete control for the temporal and spatial distribution of monitoring elements of water resources in source region of Dongjiang River to studyits hydrological characteristics and meet the hydrological information needs in different levels and targets. At the same time, it offers the convenience for the hydrological department to implement the hydrological survey in cooperation with the other team, gives full play to the monitoring of many elements in one station and comprehensive elements in all stations, improves the social and economic benefits of the network, and provides the demonstration for the protection monitoring on source regions of "Ganjiang River, Raohe River, Xinjiang River, Fuhe River, Xiuhe River".

【基金】 江西省水利厅重大社会公益研究(KT201727)
  • 【文献出处】 人民珠江 ,Pearl River , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年09期
  • 【分类号】P332;TV213.4
  • 【网络出版时间】2019-09-25 17:31
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】136