Civil Force of Relief in Gansu during the Reign of Republic of China
【摘要】 民国时期,甘肃自然灾害频发,灾荒严重,几乎无年不灾,给社会带来非常严重的危害。面对严重的灾荒,当时的政府救灾力度不大,而民间社会的救济则发挥了一定的作用。
【Abstract】 Natural disaster is a frequent and serious occurrence in Gansu during the reign of Republic of China,and occurred almost every year. Bring the extremely serious harm to the society. Facing the serious famine,the Government ,which should be the main body of disaster relief ,was of little effect,instead ,the civil force become the main body of relief,alleviate the suffering of victims.
- 【文献出处】 齐齐哈尔师范高等专科学校学报 ,Journal of Qiqihar Junior Teachers’ College , 编辑部邮箱 ,2010年05期
- 【分类号】K29
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】174