

The spatial and temporal distribution features of the land bearing capacity for livestock manure in Shandong Province,China

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【作者】 郑莉张晴雯张爱平刘杏认刘士清韩聪

【Author】 ZHENG Li;ZHANG Qing-wen;ZHANG Ai-ping;LIU Xing-ren;LIU Shi-qing;HAN Cong;Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture,CAAS;The Office of Binzhou Pollutant Emission Control;

【通讯作者】 张晴雯;

【机构】 中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所滨州市污染物排放总量控制办公室

【摘要】 探明山东省畜禽粪污资源的空间分布以及近十年畜禽粪污土地承载力变化情况,为合理利用畜禽粪污资源、优化畜禽养殖结构、推动种养结合的绿色农业发展提供参考。通过文献调研与相关数据资料收集,量化分析山东省作物粪污养分需求量、畜禽粪污养分供应量,将不同畜种产生的畜禽粪便量统一换算为猪粪当量,计算各市畜禽粪污土地承载力指数(I),分析山东省畜禽粪污土地承载力的时空变化特征。山东省畜禽养殖环境承载潜力存在明显的时空变异性。从空间上来看,各市畜禽粪便污染风险存在明显差异,其中青岛、淄博、聊城、菏泽以N、P为基准的I值均小于1,土地消纳畜禽粪污不超载。济南、枣庄、烟台、泰安、威海、日照、莱芜、临沂、德州以N、P为基准的I值均大于1,畜禽粪污量超过了农田的承受能力,农田畜禽污染风险较大,尤其是莱芜市以N、P为基准的土地承载力指数I分别为2.14和2.36,农田畜禽污染风险较大,养分的大量盈余可能会造成农田N、P污染。从时间上来看,近十年山东省养殖规模总体呈上升趋势,从7042万头增加到8401万头,尤其在2009年至2012年间迅速增加,增幅达13.3%。植物对粪污N、P养分的需求量呈逐年上升趋势,分别增长了10.6%、13.1%。畜禽粪污N、P养分供应量呈现上升趋势,增幅分别为8.9%、2.9%。2016年山东省畜禽养殖环境承载潜力以N、P为基准分别可达8576万、9809万头,均高于实际养殖规模(8401万头)。山东省以N、P为基准的畜禽粪污土地承载力指数I均呈波动下降趋势。山东省畜禽养殖主要集中在鲁西南、鲁中南、以及德州、潍坊等区域,其中济南、枣庄、烟台、泰安、威海、日照、莱芜、临沂、德州畜禽粪污量超过了农田的承受能力,有潜在的N、P污染风险。从以N、P为基准的畜禽粪污土地承载力指数I来看,山东省农田对畜禽粪便仍具有一定的消纳空间。

【Abstract】 This research aims to investigate the spatial distribution of livestock and poultry manure resources and the changes in land bear-ing capacity for livestock and poultry manure over the past decade in Shandong Province. The objectives are to provide scientific informationfor rational utilization of livestock and poultry feces resources, optimize the structure of livestock breeding, and promote the development ofgreen agriculture combined with planting and breeding. Based on a literature review and official statistical data collection, we quantifiedcrop nutrient demands and nutrient supply from livestock manure. By converting the animal manure produced from different livestock spe-cies into pig equivalent to obtain an index of land bearing capacity for livestock and poultry manure, we analyzed the temporal and spatialcharacteristics of the land bearing capacity for livestock and poultry manure. The results showed that there were significant spatial and tem-poral variations in the distribution of land bearing capacity for livestock manure in Shandong Province. As for the spatial characteristics, thepollution risks of livestock and poultry manure in different districts were quite different; the values of I for N and P were all less than 1 in thecities of Qingdao, Zibo, Liaocheng, and Heze, thereby indicating that the land consumption of livestock and poultry manure was not overload-ed in these cities. The values of I for N and P in the cities of Jinan, Zaozhuang, Yantai, Tai′ an, Weihai, Rizhao, Laiwu, Linyi, and Dezhouwere all greater than 1. The higher values of I for N and P in these areas revealed that the livestock and poultry manure exceeded the farm-land′s bearing capacity and that high risks of livestock and poultry manure pollution existed. In particular, the I values for N and P in LaiwuCity were 2.14 and 2.36, respectively, thereby showing a high risk of pollution in farmlands. The large surplus of nutrients from livestock andpoultry manure greatly exceeded the carrying capacity of agricultural land and would result in N and P pollution. From a time series perspec-tive, the overall breeding scale had generally increased in Shandong Province in the past ten years, and had increased from 7.042×107 to8.401×107 pigs. Especially from 2009 to 2012, the overall scale increased greatly by 13.3%. The crop demands of N and P nutrients from ma-nure increased each year by an overall increment of 10.6% and 13.1%, respectively. The N and P nutrient supplies from livestock and poul-try manure showed an increasing trend with increments of 8.9% and 2.9%, respectively. In 2016, the land bearing capacity for livestock andpoultry manure in Shandong Province reached 8.58×107 and 9.81×107 pig equivalent for N and P, respectively, which were higher than theactual breeding scale of 8.40×107 pig equivalent. The I index of land bearing capacity based on the N and P contents of livestock and poultrymanure in Shandong Province showed a decreasing trend. The livestock and poultry breeding industries in Shandong Province are mainlydistributed in the regions of Dezhou and Weifang in the southwest and middle-south of Shandong Province. The livestock and poultry ma-nure of the cities of Jinan, Zaozhuang, Yantai, Tai′an, Weihai, Rizhao, Laiwu, Linyi, and Dezhou all exceed the farmland′s bearing capacity.These areas have a potential risk of N and P pollution. Based on the values of the index of land bearing capacity for livestock and poultry ma-nure, there is still potential for farmland to dispose of livestock and poultry manure in some cities of Shandong Province.

【基金】 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2015ZX07203-007)~~
  • 【文献出处】 农业环境科学学报 ,Journal of Agro-Environment Science , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年04期
  • 【分类号】X713;X24
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】536