Seismic Damage Prediction of the Buildings of the Major Hospitals in Shanghai
【摘要】 在保障城市的抗震救灾能力方面,医院有着重要的作用,本文在对上海市重要医院的房屋现状所做的普查的基础上,以模糊综合评判和弹塑性变形为准则,分别对多层砖砌体房屋及框架房屋的地震灾害进行了预测,最终作出在不同超越概率下上海市重要医院的地震灾害预测。
【Abstract】 HositaIs play an important roe in respet of ensuring the capability of edquake relief work of a city.on the basis of the investigaion on the presen,ituition of the buildings of major hospitals in Shanghai, the seismic damage of brick masonry buildings and R/C frame buildings is estimated according to fuzzily synthetical judpement and elasto-plastic deformation respectively, and the seismic damag pedction of the buildingr of major hospitals in Shanghai under different transcendental probability is made finally,
【关键词】 重要医院;
【Key words】 major hospital; brick masonry; R/C frame; seismic damage pedction;
【Key words】 major hospital; brick masonry; R/C frame; seismic damage pedction;
- 【文献出处】 结构工程师 ,Structural Engineers , 编辑部邮箱 ,1997年04期
- 【分类号】P315.7
- 【被引频次】2
- 【下载频次】52