A Comparative Study of Suzhou Garden Spatial Structure Based on Space Syntax
【摘要】 该文选取网师园、怡园、拙政园作为苏州园林中方形、带形、组合形水池园林的代表,利用空间句法的分析方法和Depthmap软件,定量测算了三个园林的连接度值,以图示方式展示了三个园林的空间结构特征。借助空间句法的对比分析,本研究直观地展现了三个园林的空间结构异同,剖析了水池形态差异对园林空间结构的影响。
【Abstract】 In this paper, the Master of Nets Garden, the Joyous Garden and the Humble Administrator’s Garden were selected as simple of three different pool shapes of Suzhou gardens. Base on spatial syntax theory and Depthmap software, the connectivity value and depth value of each garden was analyzed, and the spatial features of the gardens were shown graphically. This study shows the similarities and differences of spatial structure and spatial accessibility of the three gardens intuitively and clearly, and analyzes the effects of pool shape differences on garden spatial characteristics.
【Key words】 Landscape archicetcure; Comparative studies; Space syntax; Spatial structure; Depthmap;
- 【文献出处】 华中建筑 ,Huazhong Architecture , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年11期
- 【分类号】TU986
- 【被引频次】11
- 【下载频次】1184