

Climatic environment changes during the last interglacial-glacial cycle in Zhifu loess section:Revealed by grain-size end-member algorithm

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【作者】 黎武标李志文王志刚马泽源王珍珍梁丽婵

【Author】 LI Wubiao;LI Zhiwen;WANG Zhigang;MA Zeyuan;WANG Zhenzhen;LIANG Lichan;School of Earth Science,East China University of Technology;State Key Laboratory Nuclear Resources and Environment;

【通讯作者】 李志文;

【机构】 东华理工大学地球科学学院东华理工大学核资源与环境国家重点实验室

【摘要】 山东半岛北部芝罘剖面末次间冰期—末次冰期(124.9~62.85kaBP)层段由砂黄土、黄土、古土壤叠覆堆积组成。为获取反映该地区气候变化的环境敏感粒组,应用端元分析模型对粒度数据进行反演,得出4个粒度端元。各端元在垂直方向上呈现出有规律的峰谷变化,结合平均粒径及测年结果,认为CEM1与CEM2主要反映了末次间冰期间冰阶夏季风强盛,气候暖湿,古土壤发育的沉积环境;CEM3反映了末次间冰期冰阶冬季风短暂增强,气候相对干冷,黄土发育的沉积环境;CEM4反映了末次冰期强冬季风主导下黄土堆积速率加快,成壤作用弱的沉积环境。各端元揭示的冷暖气候振荡,与朝那黄土磁化率指示的夏季风强弱、西峰黄土>32μm粒组指示的冬季风强弱以及渤海底栖有孔虫记录的沿岸海侵/海退事件具有较高的同步性。

【Abstract】 The last interglacial-glacial Zhifu loess section on the northern Shandong Peninsula is mainly composed of sandy loess、loess and palaeosol.Grain-size analysis suggest that silty sand dominate the loess(74.95%),followed by the clay(10.05%)and very fine sand(9.57%).In terms of mean grain size,paleosoil is finer than sandy loess with loess in between.End-member algorithm is used in the study of grain size composition of the Zhifu section.Four clustering end members(CEM)are recognized.Based on the clustering end member frequency curves and optical stimulated luminescence dating results,it is concluded that CEM1 and CEM2 represent the strong summer monsoon and warm summer climate respectively during the MIS5 e,MIS5 c and MIS5 aperiods;CEM3 represents the environment during the MIS5 d and MIS5 b periods with intensified winter monsoon and relatively cold climate;while the CEM4 represents the extremely strong winter monsoon environment during the MIS4 period.These fluctuations show a strong coherence with the magnetic susceptibility of the Loess Plateau and intensity of the winter monsoon indicated by the content of grains>32μm in the Xifeng loess section,as well as the transgression/regression events along the Bohai Bay recorded by benthic foraminifera.

【基金】 国家自然科学基金项目“山东半岛北部海岸晚第四纪风沙沉积的时代划分与季风环境演变”(41201006),“南暖温带-北亚热带晚第四纪不成熟网纹层的地质时代、形成机制与季风环境演变”(41571007);核资源与环境省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地(东华理工大学)开放基金项目(NRE1507)
  • 【文献出处】 海洋地质与第四纪地质 ,Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年02期
  • 【分类号】P532
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】361