

Earthquakes Safety Evaluation and Research on Yinpan Hydroelectric Power Station in WuJiang River

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【作者】 王颂蒋波唐万金

【Author】 WANG Song1,JIANG Bo2,TANG Wan Jin1(Changjiang Geotechnical Engineering Corporation,Wuhan,Hubei 430010;2.The Upper Yangtze River Survey Bureau of Hydrology and Water Resources,Panzhihua,Sichuan 617000)

【机构】 长江岩土工程总公司长江上游水文水资源勘测局金沙江水文水资源勘测队

【摘要】 乌江银盘水电站为乌江干流开发的第11梯级,工程规模为大(2)型。2008年5月12日汶川发生大地震后,根据要求,银盘水电站需补充开展地震专题研究工作。通过对区域构造稳定性进行研究,对区域性、近场区及场址区断层活动性的鉴定,对场地地震安全性进行分析和评价,并对场地地震地质灾害进行评价,得出了工程区未来可能遭受的地震地质灾害以滑坡、局部崩塌和岩溶塌陷为主,对工程影响不大的结论。乌江银盘水电站为汶川地震后首批进行防震抗震研究设计的水电站,建立了一个较为完整的地震安全性评价体系,为水电工程地震安全性评价提供了有益的借鉴。

【Abstract】 Yinpan hydropower station is the 11th cascade of Wujiang main stream development,and its project scale is large(2) type.After the great earthquake occurred Wenchuan,May 12th,2008,according to the requirements,Yinpan hydropower station needs to supplement the work of carrying out special studies on earthquakes.According to the reasearch on stability of regional structures and identification of regional,near-field area and site area’s fault activity,this paper analyzed and assessed on the safety of site seismic and site seismogeological disasters,and the results showed that the main seismogeological disasters of project area in the future would be landslide,rockfalling and karst collapse,which has little effect on the project.Yinpan hydroelectric power station is one of the first batch hydroelectric power stations which have researched on earthquake-preparedness and earthquake-resistance after the Wenchuan earthquake,set up a more complete seismic safety evaluation system,provided a useful reference for the hydropower project seismic safety evaluation.

  • 【文献出处】 资源环境与工程 ,Resources Environment & Engineering , 编辑部邮箱 ,2009年05期
  • 【分类号】P315.9
  • 【下载频次】71