

Outline of the “10.9” Earthquake Misdissemination Occurring in Zhangzhou,Fujian

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【作者】 刘国平林文同方宏芳洪小勇

【Author】 Liu Guoping,Lin Wentong,Fang Hongfang and Hong Xiaoyong (Seismological Bureau of Zhangzhou City,Zhangzhou,363000)

【机构】 漳州市地震局!漳州363000

【摘要】 阐述了漳州“10 .9”地震谣传概况 ,介绍了这次地震谣传的过程及波及范围、发生原因 ,总结了这次地震谣传的特点、发生原因及采取的措施。

【Abstract】 This paper gives a brief description of the “10 9”earthquake misdissemination occurring in Zhangzhou,Fujian Province,introduces the dissemination process,the scope affected and the occurring cause of the misdissemination,and sums up the characteristics,the cause of occurrence of this earthquake misdissemination and the measures taken.

【关键词】 福建漳州地震谣传平息教训
【Key words】 Zhangzhouearthquake misdisseminationsubsidencelesson
  • 【文献出处】 国际地震动态 ,RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN WORLD SEISMOLOGY , 编辑部邮箱 ,2000年06期
  • 【分类号】P315
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】22