View and review of arch bridge technology
【摘要】 对石拱桥、钢拱桥、混凝土拱桥和钢管混凝土拱桥简要回顾了其发展,介绍了应用现状,分析了应用前景.对混凝土拱桥,介绍了国外在大跨径混凝土拱桥的研究现状,对材料、结构构造以及施工架设方法等方面的发展方向进行了展望,并重点介绍了波形钢腹板-混凝土拱桥新桥型的试设计研究.对钢管混凝土拱桥,介绍了应用与理论研究进展,对结构与构造、设计计算理论的发展提出了看法.
【Abstract】 Development of stone arch bridge,steel arch bridge,concrete arch bridge and concrete filled steel tubular(CFST) arch bridge has been reviewed briefly.The present status and the forground of arch bridge applification(emphasis on concrete and CFST arch bridges) is introduced and analyzed.For concrete arch bridge,a state of art of the research on super-long span concrete arch bridge abroad is carried out;the tendency of its material,structure as well as construction method is prespected;a new type bridge,concrete arch ring with corrugated steel webs is high light introduced.For CFST arch bridge,the application and theoritical research are descripted;point views on the structure,constitution and design calculation theory are presented.
【Key words】 stone arch bridge; steel arch bridge; concrete arch bridge; CFST arch bridge; review; view;
- 【文献出处】 福州大学学报(自然科学版) ,Journal of Fuzhou University(Natural Science Edition) , 编辑部邮箱 ,2009年01期
- 【分类号】U448.22
- 【被引频次】114
- 【下载频次】1745