Technical Economy Analysis on Selection of Structure About Soldier Pile
【摘要】 针对某粉土地质条件进行建模,利用弹性地基梁法计算了不同桩间距、桩径、嵌固深度在不同开挖深度等多种组合下的最大水平位移,最大弯矩,最大剪力,以及不同锚杆位置在不同开挖深度下对应的的最大水平位移,最大内侧弯矩、外侧弯矩,最大剪力和锚杆轴力,采用支护结构变形控制标准,通过分析发现其中的规律和技术可行的方案,并进一步结合支护桩常用施工方法与现行定额进行经济分析,寻找经济方案,以提出具有工程指导意义的建议。
【Abstract】 Based on silt geological condition,aimed at cantilever pile and pile-anchor,using method of beam on elastic foundation,through multiple combinations of pile spacing,diameter,embedded-depth at different levels of excavation depth,the impaction is discussed on the greatest displacement,maximum bending moment,the largest shear forces of supporting structure,and in different excavation,bolt locations impact on maximum horizontal displacement,the greatest moment of medial and lateral bending moment,the biggest shear force of pile and the axial force of bolt.By deformation control standards of supporting structure,the law and technically feasible program is found.Then combined with construction method of pile and current quota,technical economy is performed to find the economic plan and give suggestion to the project.
- 【文献出处】 重庆大学学报 ,Journal of Chongqing University , 编辑部邮箱 ,2008年02期
- 【分类号】TU753
- 【被引频次】7
- 【下载频次】157