The structural features of X-shaped conjugate normal fault in seismic data and its significance in oil exploration
【摘要】 X型共轭断裂作为一种张性或张扭性应力环境中的常见构造样式,在渤海湾歧口凹陷地区有着广泛的分布。本文结合渤海湾盆地歧口凹陷东部的歧东断裂带为例,详细描述了X型共轭断裂的剖面特征,对整个共轭体系的空间样式进行了归纳,并分析得出结论,歧东断裂是明化镇组沉积以来的晚期断裂(8 Ma),不控制地层沉积。42 Ma以来渤海湾盆地一直处于近东西向的区域挤压应力场之下,并由此产生了一系列南北向拉张的断裂,平面上表现为走向近东西向的张扭性断裂兼具一定的走滑分量。渤海湾盆地新生代以来的沉积地层由于成岩压实诸多方面因素的影响,地层在不同深度固结程度存在较大差异,整体上表现为地层传递应力的能力从基底到盖层逐渐减弱,大致地划分为刚性基底,半固结地层和松散未固结盖层。松散的盖层由于传递应力能力较弱,如果没有基底的带动,难以主动地发生破裂;而盆地刚性基底在当时的区域应力场之下,东西走向的张扭性断层并不是其优选的破裂方式,也就是说,像歧东断裂这样的X型正断裂也很难切穿基底地层。这使得X型断裂常常出现在盆地中部半固结的沉积物内。从这个意义上讲,X型断裂发育的半固结地层和刚性基底两者的内部应力场是不一样的,尽管大区域的东西向挤压应力是统一的。X型共轭断裂特殊的空间构造样式的识别及其构造意义的确定对寻找油气圈闭具有重要意义。由于X型断裂系是张扭性构造应力场条件下形成,体系具有相对较好的开放性,油气容易从下部油源运移到浅部形成圈闭,这是X型断裂相关油气勘探的大方向。但是X型断裂在相交区域变形的一些特点,又使得这些相关油气圈闭的勘探具有一定特殊性。
【Abstract】 High-resolution 3D seismic data of Qikou depression in Bohai Bay Basin is analyzed and Qidong fault system in this area is studied to illustrate the geometry and kinematics evolution of X-shaped conjugate normal faults.Our analysis reveals that sediments in Bohai Bay Basin vary significantly in their strain-features in vertical scale due to the differences in diagenesis degree: Unconsolidated cover strata are inclined to absorb most of strain while rigid basement don’t. Based on this fact,these supposedly later extensional faults like X-shaped conjugate normal faults do not develop in unconsolidated strata and it is not easy for them to truncate the rigid base strata.Mostly,these faults appear to "float" in the middle of the basin vertically.X-shaped conjugate normal faults are of great importance to the analysis of structural pattern and the exploration of oil trap.The extensional or transtensional stress-field in which X-shaped normal faults develop means that it is easy for oil and gas to migrate from hydrocarbon source rock to upper strata.
【Key words】 X-shaped conjugate normal fault; Bohai Bay Basin; Qikou depression; Qidong fault system; Oil trap; Seismic profiles;
- 【文献出处】 地质科学 ,Chinese Journal of Geology(Scientia Geologica Sinica) , 编辑部邮箱 ,2010年02期
- 【分类号】P618.13
- 【被引频次】1