Preliminary discussion on the seismogenic structure of RuichangYangxin earthquake in 2011
【摘要】 基于密集流动台阵,联合使用主事件法和sPL深度震相,对2011年9月10日瑞昌一阳新M_S4.6地震及其余震序列进行重新定位,获得更为准确的震源位置。结果显示:重新定位后主震的水平位置为29.70°N,115.47°E,误差约1km;震源深度为15km,误差约2km。结合地震序列定位结果、主震震源机制解和震区NE向断层发育的构造背景,初步探讨主震可能的发震构造。
【Abstract】 Based on the records of the temporary seismic array and combined master event technique and the sPL phase,we relocate the Ruichang-Yangxin earthquake sequences which occurred in Jiangxi province on 10 September,2011.The relocation results indicate that the epicenter of the main shock is relocated to be 29.70°N,115.47°E,whose error is about 1 kin,the focal depth is about 15 km,whose error is about 2kin.Combining the location of the earthquake sequence,the focal mechanism of the main shock and the tectonic condition of NE faults growth in seismic region,we preliminarily discuss probable seismogenic structure of the main shock.
【Key words】 Ruichang-Yangxin earthquake in 2011; sPL depth phase; focal depth; seismogenic structure;
- 【文献出处】 地震地磁观测与研究 ,Seismological and Geomagnetic Observation and Research , 编辑部邮箱 ,2014年Z1期
- 【分类号】P315.2
- 【被引频次】3
- 【下载频次】11