【摘要】 汶川地震发生在青藏高原东部边界的龙门山断裂带。该区域由一系列叠瓦状冲断带构成,在大地构造上是连接青藏高原与扬子地台的过渡地带。此次地震引发了大规模的滑坡、崩塌、碎屑流等地质灾害,造成严重的人员伤亡和社会经济财产损失。震后的调查和研究结果表明,在龙门山断裂带的两侧,滑坡崩塌灾害的分布很不均匀。大多数的滑坡崩塌存在于龙门山中央断裂带上盘,只有12%左右的滑坡、崩塌出现在下盘;滑坡、崩塌等地质灾害发育的高密度区出现在断裂带的两端和中部地区。相关的统计分析表明,此次地震中,滑坡和崩塌等灾害的发育与地形地貌、地震动、坡体岩石性质等密切相关。在硬岩、较硬岩区域,滑坡、崩塌等灾害也广泛发育,这种特点与炉霍、昭通等地震滑坡中获得的认识有所不同。初步的研究结果表明,汶川地震的区域地质构造背景通过对地形地貌及岩石等地质条件的影响,进而对滑坡、崩塌等地质灾害的空间分布起到了一定的控制作用。
【Abstract】 On May 12,2008,a huge earthquake(MS=8.0)named Wenchuan earthquake hit Sichuan Province in Southwest China and triggered thousands of landslides.Post-seismic investigation and analysis discovered some characteristics of the landslides’ spatial distribution.Landslides occurred unevenly on both sides of Longmenshan Fault zone,which are reverse faults and responsible for the Wenchuan earthquake.The majority of the landslides are distributed on the hanging wall of Longmenshan central fault,while only 12%of the total occurring on the footwall.The higher density of landslide is located at both ends of the Longmenshan Faults as well as the middle section.Statistical studies also show the occurrence of landslides has close relationship with ground motion,slope gradient and rock properties and so on.The geological background and evolution history of Wenchuan earthquake region have controlled the local geological and topographical setting and affected the landslide distribution when the great earthquake took place.Due to the exceptionally high topographic gradient and geological features such as loose soil and fragile rocks,this region is notoriously prone to landslide.
【Key words】 Wenchuan earthquake; landslide; distribution characteristics; geological setting;
- 【文献出处】 地震地质 ,Seismology and Geology , 编辑部邮箱 ,2011年01期
- 【分类号】P315.9
- 【被引频次】34
- 【下载频次】635