

Development of Li Siguang’s thought on oil search as discussed from the course of petroleum exploration in the Ordos Basin.

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【作者】 赵文津

【Author】 Zhao Wenjin Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100037,China

【机构】 中国地质科学院

【摘要】 鄂尔多斯盆地正在以苏里格大气田为基础建设中国第二个大庆油田——"陕蒙大庆"。鄂尔多斯盆地油气勘查经历了一个复杂曲折过程,人们曾多次对这一盆地的找油气的前景产生怀疑,经过近30年的探索,在1970年发现庆阳三叠系油田以后才开始取得了重要进展。1988年发现了下古生界的靖边气田,2000年苏6井揭示了苏里格大气田,盆地的勘探开发工作一步一步取得重大突破。文中研究了鄂尔多斯的勘查历程,探讨了勘查中各阶段工作的指导思想与油田突破的关系及其关键环节。提出基本经验是:(1)在实践中不断总结,深化认识,克服找构造油气藏的思想束缚,认识到岩性油气藏的重要性。(2)李四光开始强调对盆地全面研究基础上选定工作方向,继而强调到盆地中部没有构造地区去找油气,表明他对鄂尔多斯盆地油气成藏条件的分析已跨出构造驱油、构造聚油的看法,有了找岩性油气藏的新认识。(3)强调三项技术:①高分辨率地震法圈定河道砂体;②低渗透油气层的压裂技术与超前注水;③"五加一"的管理模式。文中还提出今后扩大资源的工作方向。

【Abstract】 The Ordos Basin is being constructed into China’s second Daqing oil field—"Shaan-Meng Daqing"—based on the large Sulige gas field.The petroleum exploration in the Ordos Basin has experienced a complex and tortuous course.People have had doubts about petroleum prospects in this basin many times.No major advances had been made until a Triassic oil field was found in Qingyang in 1970 after nearly 30 years of probe.In 1988 the Lower Paleozoic Jingbian gas field was found and in 2000 the Su No.6 well revealed the large Sugeli gas field;then great breakthroughs in petroleum exploration in the basin have been made step by step.This paper deals with the exploration course in Ordos and the relationship between the guiding ideas in various stages of the exploration and breakthroughs in the oil field,as well as their key links.The basic experience put forward is as follows:(1) we should continuously sum up and deepen our knowledge in practice,overcome the trammels of the idea of search for structural oil/gas reservoirs and understand the importance of lithologic oil/gas reservoirs;(2) at first Li Siguang emphasized the determination of the work direction on the basis of an all-round study of the basin but then he emphasized search for oil/gas in areas without structures in the central part of the basin,implying that his analysis of the oil/gas reservoir-forming conditions in the Ordos Basin overstepped the view of structural expulsion of oil and structural accumulation of oil and that he had got the new idea of looking for lithologic oil/gas reservoirs;and(3) three techniques should be stressed,i.e.,the high-resolution seismic technique used to outline channel sand bodies,fracture pressure technique and advance water injection used for low-permeability oil/gas reservoirs and the "five plus one" management model.The paper also proposes the work direction of expanding resources in the future.

【基金】 中国工程院“深部找矿战略研究”项目
  • 【文献出处】 地学前缘 ,Earth Science Frontiers , 编辑部邮箱 ,2011年02期
  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】430