

Textual Study on The Biography of Eminent Monks Quoted in Shi Shi Liu Tie in Song Dynasty

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【作者】 钱汝平

【Author】 Qian Ruping;Institute of Yue Culture ,Shaoxing University of Arts and Sciences;

【机构】 绍兴文理学院越文化研究院

【摘要】 五代后周齐州开元寺高僧义楚编纂的《释氏六帖》是一部重要的佛教类书。其所引用的《高僧传》本子是一个早期流通的版本,在僧传的多少、目次的前后、正附传的处理等方面,与现今通行的《高僧传》本子存在一定程度的差异,这可为我们研究《高僧传》版本的流变提供某些线索。另外,其保存的多位僧人的传记为今本《高僧传》所无,为我们考察道宣所撰《后集续高僧传》何时合入《续高僧传》提供了可资寻索的信息,具有较高的史料价值。

【Abstract】 Shi Shi Liu Tie compiled by Yi Chu, an eminent monk of Kaiyuan Temple in Qizhou during the Five Dynasties period, is an important Buddhist book. The Biography of Eminent Monks quoted by it is an early circulation version. There are certain differences from its current version in terms of the number of biographies of monks, the catalogue, and the handling of the attached biography. This can provide some clues for the study of the evolution of The Biography of Eminent Monks. In addition, compared with the current version, the version quoted in Shi Shi Liu Tie has certain advantages, but also some mistakes, which should be treated objectively.

【基金】 国家社会科学基金项目“日本东福寺藏宋本《释氏六帖》与先宋涉佛文献研究”(14BZW087)
  • 【文献出处】 大理大学学报 ,Journal of Dali University , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年07期
  • 【分类号】B949
  • 【下载频次】44