

Application and construction of emergency temporary housing after earthquake in China and Japan

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【作者】 范悦周博

【Author】 FAN Yue,ZHOU BoSchool of Architecture and Fine Art,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China

【机构】 大连理工大学建筑与艺术学院

【摘要】 以应急临时住宅建设使用(运营)体系为中心,总结日本在这一领域中的经验教训:阪神大地震中日本采用政府包办救灾,由于灾后应急体系不完善,对临时安置点的居住长期化的预期不足,出现了建设效率低、材料供给不足,以及身心健康等问题,并且建设和维护预算也大幅超支,这些问题很多在新澙地震时得到了改善.结合对汶川地震灾区的实地考察,对比我国灾后重建的特殊性和地域性,指出我国的应急住宅体系应是政府救援与灾民自救相结合,物质和精神兼顾等多元化方式,不断改善过渡安置居住环境,以应对今后长期居住的需求.

【Abstract】 The application and construction(operation) system of emergency housing is focused.It gives a detailed analysis of the Japanese experiences and lessons in the big earthquakes like Hanshin-Awaji earthquake and Niigata-Chuetsu earthquake.In Hanshin-Awaji earthquake,the Japanese government played a major role and there was not a perfect emergent disaster relief system.Due to the unsuccessful forecast on the long-term use of the emergency shelters,there appeared serious problems of inefficiency construction,undersupply of materials,poor physical and mental health,as well as overspending on construction and maintenance.These problems were greatly improved in the Niigata-Chuetsu earthquake.After that,combined with the field survey in the Wenchuan earthquake area and compared with the regional specialties of the post-disaster reconstruction in our country,it is pointed out that the emergency dwelling system in Wenchuan is the mutual effort of the government and the victims themselves.Being able to satisfy both the material and psychological requirements,this system manages to develop the transitional environment,which caters to the residing needs in the long-term run.

  • 【文献出处】 大连理工大学学报 ,Journal of Dalian University of Technology , 编辑部邮箱 ,2009年05期
  • 【分类号】TU241
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】297