

A Study on Relationship between Effectiveness of Civil Construction Teams and Affecting Factors

【作者】 戴勇

【导师】 范明;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 团队作为一种灵活而有效的组织形式已被越来越多的企业所采用,尤其是在建筑施工项目中,几乎全部采用团队工作方式。由于过于侧重研究抽象的心理学指标,目前已有的理论成果存在明显不足。不仅尚未形成稳定和统一的团队有效性衡量标准,关于团队有效性及影响因素关系也是众说纷纭,同时,团队有效性研究对象主要涉及一般团队、制造业团队、科研团队和虚拟团队,缺乏对建筑施工团队有效性的研究。本文以建筑施工团队有效性及主要影响因素关系作为研究对象,并主要从管理科学角度探讨建筑施工团队有效性、主要影响因素及其相互关系。目的是通过理论研究和对132个江苏省内建筑施工团队的实证研究,分析影响建筑施工团队有效性的主要因素并在三类模型中进行重要性排序,在此基础上提出形成良好团队的方法,从而在建筑施工团队工作早期就能够及早预测并采取措施提高团队有效性。在研究思路上,现有研究常将过程因素与结果因素混为一谈,难以在团队工作早期预测和控制团队有效性。如在Campion模型中工作设计、相互依赖性、团队构成、环境和团队运行过程五方面因素共同构成团队有效性的评价指标,完全是一种“事后控制”理论模型。本文则认为,建筑施工项目具有较强的一次性特点,“事后控制”研究的实践意义不大,应该区分过程因素与结果因素,分别将其归纳在建筑施工团队有效性影响因素和建筑施工团队有效性两个集合中,才有可能提高研究的时效性并增加其实际应用价值。在构建理论模型时,现有理论研究一般只选择少数几个因素进行相关分析,不能完整地探究和反映团队有效性影响因素和团队有效性之间的关系。本文通过引入三参数区间数的改进型数据获取方法,建立了三维立体视角的建筑施工团队有效性模型,采用ANP分析方法评价建筑施工团队有效性,并选取15个可测指标分组表示影响因素。在此基础上,建立建筑施工团队有效性及影响因素因果关系的假设模型,较好地反映了建筑施工团队有效性各类主要影响因素和建筑施工团队有效性之间的整体关系。在研究方法上,现有研究在进行相关或回归分析时,往往简单地假设团队有效性影响因素和团队有效性之间是一种线性关系,而实际上,在建筑施工团队工作中,各种因素之间的关系并不一定是线性关系。因此,本文基于线性假设、非线性假设和不确定性假设,分别采用结构方程和logistic回归方法、RBF径向基人工神经网络和GRNN人工神经网络方法、改进型灰色关联分析方法研究了团队有效性和团队有效性主要影响因素之间的关系,用实证方式确定了影响施工团队有效性的四类因素的相对权重。最后,经实证分析,本文认为:建筑施工团队有效性的主要影响因素包括成本因素、团队构成、团队制度和团队文化;建筑施工团队有效性的最大影响因素是团队制度;除了一般团队研究中已被人们熟知的团队构成、团队制度和团队文化因素之外,成本因素被证明是建筑施工团队有效性的影响因素之一据此,本文指出:有效的团队管理机制不仅强调个人的业务成果,更应强调团队的整体团队协作,为此,应从成本因素、团队构成、团队制度和团队文化四方面着手打造高效团队。如可从以下几个方面着手工作:(1)围绕团队目标建立健全建筑施工团队各项管理制度;(2)充分授权并建立建筑施工团队的合作博弈机制和信号博弈机制;(3)以信息共享为中心完善建筑施工团队沟通制度;(4)通过重复博弈机制完善绩效评估体系和团队奖酬制度;(5)承认成本因素是建筑施工团队有效性的影响因素之一;(6)动态评估施工条件对团队管理的制约作用;(7)完善评标制度、合理评审成本价等。总之,必须区分团队有效性评价因素和影响因素。可从团队绩效、团队成员满意度、团队生命力三个维度来衡量建筑施工团队有效性;建筑施工团队有效性影响因素则主要体现在团队文化、团队构成、成本因素和团队制度这四个层面上。建筑施工团队管理者可根据两者的关系模型对比自身和其他团队之间的差距,寻找竞争优势,更好地开展团队合作,提高团队有效性。

【Abstract】 As a flexible and effective organization form, team-based structure is widely used by more and more enterprises to acquire advantages in competition, especially in civil construction projects,where almost all companies organized its employees this way. While current theories took excessive interest in abstract factors rooting from psychology and fell short of practice applying, there are still many unsolved problems left behind such as unified standard of evaluating team effectiveness and composing of affecting factors.Furthermore, though current theories intensively probed into general working teams, manufacturing teams, scientific research teams and virtual teams, only limited studies touched civil construction teams.From scientific management principle, this paper focused on effectiveness of civil construction teams, composing of affecting factors, and relations between them. By means of theory research and empirical analysis involved 132 civil construction teams in Jiangsu province, the paper refined and sorted the main factors affecting effectiveness of civil construction teams, calculated each weight of the main factors in 3 kinds of equations.On that basis, the paper gave suggestions for team managers to evaluate and improve their work, so they can predict in time and take measures to build up a high performance team.First of all, the research began with a new point of view. Current researcher are still accustomed to confuse process factors with result factors, it turns out that neither can the models predict in time nor do any good for team managers to take measures. E.g. working design, interdependencies, team composition, the environment, together with some process factors, constitute indicators evaluating team effectiveness in Campion model.As we can see, it is actually an ex-post control theory. From a different point of view, this paper argued that civil construction projects have a remarkable one-time feature and ex-post control theory has little practical significance. In this way, we should distinguish between the process factors and the results factors. Only when we make a distinction between effectiveness of civil construction teams and composing of affecting factors, is it possible to reach the research timeliness goal and improve its practical application value.Second, the research continued with a new theoretical model.Generally, only a few factors were selected to do correlation analysis in existing theoretical studies.It cannot reflect fully the relationship between team effectiveness and factors affecting it. By introducing a new method to get interval numbers, the paper used three-parameter data to explore the relationship.While a three-dimensional model was established to evaluate effectiveness of civil construction teams, the paper used ANP method to improve its reliability. On the other side,15 measurable indicators were selected and divided into groups as independent variable in equations. After that, a hypothetical model which reflected the relationship between effectiveness of civil construction teams and composing of affecting factors was established. In comparison with former models, its wholeness as well as practicability is no doubt all the better.Third, the research explored the relationship with a new method.Either correlation analysis or regression analysis assumed simply a linear relationship between team effectiveness and factors affecting it in existing research. In fact, among various factors relate to civil construction team, it is not necessarily to be a linear relationship. Therefore, implicit assumption should be discussed before any equation models being established. Based on linear, nonlinear and uncertainties assumptions, this paper established 3 different kinds equation models respectively, using SEM and logistic regression method, RBF and GRNN neural network method, Improved Gray Relational Analysis method. Not only analysis of quantitative was conducted to confirm the relationship between team effectiveness and factors affecting it, but also each weight of the four types of affecting factors were calculated using empirical methods to estimate its impact to team effectiveness.Finally, the research came to the conclusion that the main factors affecting effectiveness of civil construction teams include cost factors, team composition factors, team management system factors and team culture factors.While team management system factors were the most important factors, cost factors were confirmed through empirical study to be one of the main factors affecting effectiveness of civil construction teams besides team management system factors and team culture factors.Accordingly, the paper points out that team management system should be adjusted from personal focus to team focus type which highlights all the more team cooperation. Hence, new methods associate with cost factors,team composition factors, team management system factors and team culture factors can be used to build up a high performance team.E.g.,team managing work can be done as follows: (1)To establish or perfect management systems focusing on team objective to enhance effectiveness of civil construction teams.(2)To authorize sufficiently and establish a more scientific mechanism based on Cooperative Game and Signaling Game.(3)To perfect management communication surrounding information sharing.(4)To improve performance evaluation system and reward system based on Repeated Games.(5)To admit cost factors as one of the main factors affecting effectiveness of civil construction teams.(6)To assess dynamically the constraint or the negative effects.(7)To perfect bidding evaluation method for more reasonable bidding price etc.In short, despite the circumstances that the connotation of team effectiveness is very rich, and there are still plenty affecting factors exist as well, team effectiveness can be measured in three dimensions, namely team performance, team member satisfaction and team viability. On the other side, there are mainly four types of affecting factors which can be divided into groups as cost factors, team composition factors,team management system factors and team culture factors. Team managers can find the gap compared with other civil construction team to find their competitive advantage using equation models mentioned above, building effective through team cooperation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】F224;F426.92;F272.92
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】799
  • 攻读期成果