

Research on the Promoting Function of Cultural Capital for Urban Livability

【作者】 赵丽娜

【导师】 王雅林;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 社会工程与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “宜居城市”是我国城市建设的重要目标。城市的建设应以人为本,并以提高人的生活质量为宗旨。而人及其生活是一种文化性存在,因此“宜居城市”的建设离不开文化要素的支撑。但目前“宜居城市”建设实践中却存在重硬件、轻文化性软件的倾向。本文以研究文化资本在城市宜居性提升上的功能为目的,创造性地提出了“生活本体论”的研究框架,综合运用结构——功能分析法、问卷调查法、因子分析和回归分析法、群组层次分析法、多层向前人工神经网络法和数学模型法,展开文化资本对城市宜居性的提升功能探索性研究:构建研究文化资本对城市宜居性的提升功能这一问题的“生活本体论”理论框架。理论框架以对社会发展生活本体事实的揭示为前提。在“生活本体论”范式下,建立了城市文化资本概念模型,包括城市文化资本内涵、外延的界定,城市文化资本特征分析;界定了宜居城市及其表征体系城市宜居性的概念内涵,并从城市居民生活需求出发界定了城市宜居性外延;以文化资本与城市宜居性的观测变量为切入点,在区别大文化与小文化的基础上,从理论层面揭示了城市文化资本对城市宜居性的提升功能的必然性及功能路径。通过相关性分析,检验文化资本在城市宜居性提升上是否存在显著功能。提出以城市宜居性提升为前提的文化资本功能假设。通过问卷调查获取用于假设检验的实证数据,在数据通过信度、效度及样本偏差检验后,采用因子分析与回归分析相结合的方法,检验假设。描述并解释假设检验的结果,以回答现实中文化资本在提升城市宜居性上是否具有显性功能这一问题。并在实证检验结果基础上,从理论视角解释在现实中对每一项城市宜居性观测变量而言,具有显性价值的文化资本要素功能实现方式。现状调查基础上的相关性分析表明,虽然现实状况下个别文化资本要素在某个城市宜居性观测变量上没有呈现显著功能或呈现出负功能,但是从总体上看,文化资本在提高城市宜居性的实践中具有全面、多样的显性功能,城市宜居性系统中各环境要素的宜居水平都受到文化资本的影响,并且除自然环境外,文化环境、社会环境和经济环境的宜居水平都与文化资本呈现了正相关关系。通过仿真,预测理想状态下不同文化资本要素变动导致的城市宜居性变化,比较文化资本各要素在提升城市宜居性上的功能差异。限定仿真内容与条件,解释仿真模型及模型相关系数计算方法的选择过程与选择结果,并对获取必要数据的方式进行解释。检验数据的信度、效度和选择性偏差。构建仿真预测模型,并在MATLAB软件帮助下计算出模型相关系数。通过MATLAB软件进行模型仿真,得出不同的文化资本要素输入状态下,城市宜居性状态输出值的变化情况。仿真结果表明,不同的文化资本要素功能侧重点有区别,城市居民日常行为惯习及教育机构确认的文化资本的完善能够产生最好的城市宜居性输出结果。与功能的实证检验结果比较可以发现,文化资本能够输出的功能与文化资本现实输出的功能之间存在差异。通过数学建模与仿真分析,提出优化文化资本对城市宜居性提升功能的建议。建立数学模型,从逻辑分析角度说明文化资本自身、城市政府机构、城市内外的企业作为运作主体对城市文化资本功能输出的影响,并把相关人力资源能力(文化资本生产、运作、维护的能力),各种要素的投入和城市居民对待文化资本的态度作为影响运作结果的要素纳入到模型中。通过对模型赋值,在MATLAB软件内仿真,进一步揭示了不同要素对文化资本功能输出的影响程度,和不同状况下文化资本功能输出的变化趋势。仿真结果表明,持续的积累与投入是优化功能的基础。对于投入要素而言,人力资本素质提高及技术应用能够取得最理想的优化结果。对于不同参与主体而言,政府的参与及合理规划能够取得最理想的优化效果。在城市场域内展开的文化资本对城市宜居性的提升功能这一探索性研究,不仅将具有理论拓展意义,而且迎合了建设宜居城市的需求,能够为提升城市宜居性的实践过程提供指导。

【Abstract】 “Livable city”is an important aim for urban development in our country. Urban development in any space and time should be people-oriented and aim for promoting people’s living state. Human activity has relationship with cultural factors because of human’s cultural essence. Cultural factors play an important role in the constructing process of“livable city”. But cultural factors haven’t been paid enough attention to in the construction of“livable city”nowadays. This paper takes the promoting function of cultural capital on urban livability as aim to attract more attention on cultural capital and support the operating and managing of cultural capital in the practice process of“livable city”construction. In the paper,“ontology of living”is the macroscopic clue. Structural-functionalism analysis, questionnaire method, factor analysis, regression analysis, group-AHP, multi-layer forward BP Artificial Neural Networks and mathematical model are used. This paper does an exploratory research in the promoting function of cultural capital on urban livability based on conditions above.This paper establishes the theoretic research framework based on“ontology of living”for studing the function of urban cultural capital in urban livability construction. The precondition of the framework is“ontology of living”. Based on the precondition, conception model of urban cultural capital including the connotation, extension and character has been constructed. Connotation and extension of livable city and urban livability have been defined. Taking urban livability as the entrance, the necessity and function path of urban cultural capital in constructing process of urban livability has been revealed theoretically based on the distinguishing of big culture and small culture.Obvious promoting function of urban cultural capital for urban livability has been checked out by method of relativity analysis. Hypotheses about cultural capital’s function are proposed based on upgrading the urban livability. Then we check these hypotheses by the way of empirical research. Necessary dates are gotten by questionnaire survey. All hypotheses are checked by factor analysis and regression analysis after carrying out the reliability, validity and alternative bias check and results are presented. Discribe the results of the hypothesis test to answer the question of if cultural capital has obvious promoting function on urban livability. The study results show that, although some urban cultural capital factors don’t present siginificant function or present minus function, cultural capital has already expressed all-sided functions in the whole. From the results, we find out that all environments’livability of culture, society, economy and nature have relationship with urban cultural capital condition. Except natural environment’s livability, the other environment’s livability has positive correlation with cultural capital.Differences of each cultural capital factors’promoting function on urban livability are studied by simulating and forecasting the change of the output value of urban livability with the change of urban cultural capital’s value. We design the study, explain the selective process of simulating model and method of weitht coefficient calculation, describe the select result, explain how to get necessary dates in the paper. Then we carry out the reliability, validity and alternative bias check of dates. Simulating model is established and related weight coefficient is calcuated by MATLAB. Change of the output of the model are gotten under the condition of defferent urban cultural capital’s value by MATLAB. The simulating results show that the importance of each urban cultural capital factor is different, and the function of cultural characteristic rooted in residents’behavior in ordinary living and culture endued with value by educational system is biggest. Comparing with empirical study results, the functions of urban cultural capital between ideal and practice are different.The ways about how to optimize the output of the promoting function of urban cultural capital for urban livability have been studied. The logic mathematic accumulation model of urban cultural capital is constructed. The model includes three factors (input, makings of related personnel, attitude of denizen to cultural capital) which can influence the accumulation result and four main bodies (urban government, corporations in the city, corporations out of the city,urban denizen) who can operate the accumulation process. By the model, the changes of cultural capital accumulation under different conditions are emulated by MATLAB. The simulating results disclose that the basic condition for increasing the function output is keeping persistent accumulation of cultural capital and input necessary funds, labour force and materials. In all factors, the promotion of diathesis of persons and technology application can output the optimal optimizing result. Of all main bodies, the rational planning of urban government can output the optimal optimizing result.The exploratory research of the promoting function of cultural capital for urban livability in this paper not only extends the theoretical investigation of cultural capital and livable city, but also accommodates the practice needs of livable city constructing.

  • 【分类号】G124;F299.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】800
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