

Research on Risk Control Methods of Mobile Commerce

【作者】 郭勇

【导师】 李一军;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 移动电子商务在我国正处于起步阶段,其发展中所面临的诸多风险是移动商务在产业化、规模化过程中迫切需要解决的问题。现有的研究往往集中在移动商务的安全风险上,而移动商务的发展所面临的风险来自诸多方面,绝非安全一项。而且,由于移动商务独有的特点,其风险控制不大可能完全搬用传统电子商务的控制方法。为加快移动商务的发展速度,使其得到健康发展,必须找到合理有效的移动商务风险控制方法,这对风险控制理论和移动商务的推广有着重要的理论、实践和经济意义。本文站在移动商务服务提供商(SP)的角度,针对移动商务的风险问题,开展了以下四个方面的研究:第一,对移动商务的风险评价方法进行研究。作为电子商务的一种形式,移动商务在运营中面临的风险需要得到有效评价,只有解决了风险评价问题,才能有针对性地去解决风险控制问题。本文设计的移动商务风险的评价模型,将风险因素的概率和风险因素的影响程度结合考虑,突破了CIM模型只考虑风险发生概率的局限性。以风险评价模型为基础,设计了改进的风险控制模型,与传统的以绩效为目标的风险控制相比较,能够直接和有效地测量风险控制水平。第二,对移动商务信息安全风险控制方法进行研究。信息安全风险对移动商务的市场拓展具有负面作用。用户会因为担心安全问题而拒绝使用移动商务业务。移动商务的技术实现同电子商务有所区别,因此电子商务中的安全风险控制方法不能完全适用于移动商务。本文设计控制安全风险的移动商务用户认证和安全数据传输协议SAydos。该协议可防范中间人攻击等安全问题,能够以较小的运算代价修正Aydos协议的不足与漏洞。在RBAC模型的基础上,设计了改进的移动商务访问控制模型。与传统的RBAC访问控制模型相比,改进的模型能够解决系统粒度、数据传输经济性、用户协作性等诸多问题。第三,对移动商务的合作风险控制方法进行研究。同移动商务服务提供商具有合作关系的部门很多,包括CP、AP、设备提供商、移动运营商等。移动商务的成功与否,很大程度上由这些部门提供的产品或服务质量来决定,如何促使这些部门积极与移动商务服务提供商进行合作,从而降低合作风险是移动商务运营中需要关注的问题。另外,在合作伙伴中,移动运营商由于其垄断地位而显得比较特殊,一般性的合作风险控制手段对其不能产生作用。从政策层面对其进行一定的控制是不错的方法。本文提出并设计了控制合作风险的移动商务合作激励模型。该模型采用报酬作为激励工具,同合作伙伴的努力程度紧密联系,将合作伙伴的合作意愿激励到移动商务服务提供商希望的水平,以缓解合作风险。对移动商务监管政策进行了重构。重构的政策为移动商务提供了自由竞争的平台,并在一定程度上缓解来自移动运营商的合作风险。第四,对移动商务客户流失风险控制方法进行研究。客户流失,对于具有网络经济效益的移动商务而言是非常不利的。尤其是客户流失具有破窗效应,一个客户的流失可能意味着数十个客户的流失,也就意味着企业资金的流失。如何控制这种流失,对于移动商务运营商而言至关重要。本文根据现有的理论成果,提出并设计了控制移动商务客户流失风险的触发器模型。该模型以数据库中触发器的概念为基础,能够自动地完成客户挽救工作。在数理逻辑理论的基础上,设计了用于触发器模型的复杂触发条件的优先级计算方法。按照优先级顺序对客户进行挽救,能够有效地挽回高价值客户,尽可能减少客户流失损失。针对客户流失风险具有相当的控制能力。

【Abstract】 The mobile-commerce in China is at its initial stage, facing kinds of risk problems, which are very urgent for its large-scale industrialization. The existing researches are mainly focus on the security risk but ignoring other sources of risk for the m-commerce. Furthermore, because of the unique features of the m-commerce, methods of risks control in traditional e-commerce cannot be applied completely. For the faster and healthy development of the m-commerce, rational and effective method of m-commerce risk control must be found, which has great theoretical, practicing and economic significance for the risk control theory and promotion of mobile commerce.The author stood on the view of m-commerce service provider, make researches on the following four respects for the risk problems in m-commerce:(1) Researches on the methods of m-commerce risk assessing. As a form of e-commerce, the m-commerce is facing the problem of lack of effective assessing. Once the risks well assessed, the problems of risk control can be solved targeted. This paper designed the mobile commerce risk-assessing model, which combines probability of risk and the influence of different kinds of risks (power), and breaks though the limitations that CIM model only considers the risk probability. Based on the model, this paper designed improved risk control model. Compared with the traditional risk control model which control target is performance, the improved risk control model could reflect the effect of risk control directly(2) Researches on methods of m-commerce information security risk control. The information security risk makes negative effect on the expanding of m-commerce market. The users who worried about security problems would refuse the m-commerce services. Concerning the differences on technology between m-commerce and e-commerce, security risk control methods of e-commerce cannot be used on m-commerce completely. This paper designed SAydos protocol for user authentication and secure data transmission in m-commerce. This protocol can prevent man in the middle attack and correct the vulnerabilities of Aydos protocol with little computing cost. Based on the RBAC model, this paper designed improved access control model for m-commerce. Compared with the traditional RBAC model, improved access control model can solve some issues such as data size, economic data transmission, and user collaboration.(3) Researches on methods of cooperation risk control of m-commerce. M-commerce service providers cooperate with several other departments including CP, AP, equipment suppliers and mobile network operators and so on. Whether the m-commerce could get a success is depend on the quality of the goods or services provided by these departments decently. How to reduce cooperation risk by promoting the cooperation between these departments and service providers is the problem that would be focused on through the mobile commerce operation. Furthermore, common cooperation risk control methods can hardly work on the mobile operators who were at the stage of monopoly. Control form the policy method would be much better. This paper designed reward-urging model of cooperation risk control for m-commerce. This model uses reward as the incentive tool and urges the cooperators to a certain level of effort through the payment in order to alleviate cooperation risk. This paper reconstructed the regulation policy of m-commerce, which provides a fair competition environment for m-commerce. At the same time, cooperation risk from mobile operators would be ease to some extent consequently.(4) Researches on methods of customer loss risk control at last. The customer loss is very harmful to the m-commerce with network cost-effectiveness. Especially the customer loss has the nature of broken window effect; one customer loss may leads to tens of customer loss, and means financial loss potentially. The issue of how to control these losses means great to the m-commerce operators. With the existing theoretical results, a set of trigger model, which has considerable ability on control customer loss risk, was designed in this paper. This model can automatically carry out customer retention. Based on the mathematical logic theory, this paper designed priority calculation method which used for complex trigger conditions in trigger model. In accordance with the priority order to carry out customer retention, service providers can effedtively restore high-value customers and minimize loss of customer loss risk. The trigger model and the priority calculation have the considerable risk control ability.
