

Research on Public Goods Offering of China

【作者】 尹鸿雁

【导师】 王彩波;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治学理论, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 中国从生存性社会步入了发展型社会,公共产品短缺的时代已经到来,政府公共产品的投入总量明显增加,是历史上最高的,但人们对公共产品的需求仍然得不到满足,对中国公共产品供给问题进行研究由此而生。本文在梳理政府与公共产品供给关系理论的基础上,认为政府的公共产品供给责任是不能放弃的,政府应该弥补市场供给的失灵,满足社会公众的需求,为社会提供高质量的公共产品,从而维护公共利益,最终实现公平、公正的价值诉求。政府在提供公共产品中有优势也有局限,政府的强制性优势决定中国政府应当在公共产品供给中起主导作用,政府的核心作用不可替代。但是政府的局限性决定了它不可能提供所有的公共产品,政府需要尊重市场机制并与其他组织包括私营部门、非政府组织共同合作,通过多种途径实现公共产品的供给。论文主体分为六部分:第一部分“政府提供公共产品思想的历史演变”。本章梳理了从国家起源学说到马克思主义学说的政府公共产品供给思想,从中探讨了政府与公共产品供给的关系问题,据此确定政府提供公共产品的政治哲学基础,准确地把握国家起源、政府产生、政府职能与公共产品供给的内在联系。第二部分“政府在公共产品供给中的责任”。探讨了政府在公共产品供给中担负的责任:其一,市场提供公共产品的优越性在于其效率,市场供给发挥效率的条件是一个完全自由竞争的环境,政府的责任就在于推动市场的发展、确保市场机制发挥作用。其二,当由于非排他性等原因导致公共产品市场供给失灵时,政府应当成为提供公共产品的责任主体。其三,基于社会基本价值判断不允许由市场提供公共产品时,政府有责任为促进基本福利和公平分配而介入公共产品供给,公平正义构成了公共产品政府供给的核心思想。第三部分“政府提供公共产品的优势”本章从分析政府提供公共产品的角色优势入手,认为参与公共产品供给的组织虽然很多,但政府是其中最重要的组织。政府能够以强制的方式从消费者手中索取费用以获得公共产品成本的补偿,这就能够确保公共产品供给能够持续下去。所以政府作为公共利益代理人角色及其在公共产品供给中的核心作用不可替代。对政府提供公共产品供给优势的探讨为建立以政府为主导的公共产品供给模式打下了基础。第四部分“政府提供公共产品的失灵”本章通过两种途径展开,一是综合分析了政府提供公共产品的理论假设及现实困境,然后对政府提供公共产品的成本进行分析,认为政府提供公共产品也是一种制度安排,它和市场制度一样,同样是内生变量,其交易成本和政府机构的低效率是导致政府供给失灵的重要原因。二是通过对我国公共产品供给现状的分析,找出了政府公共产品供给中存在的问题以及问题产生的体制根源。对政府失灵的分析得出的结论是有些领域是政府是不应该介入的,为政府在公共产品的供给中强调政府主导作用的同时引入市场机制,加强社会的供给力量提供了有力的证据。第五部分“提高中国公共产品供给效率的政策建议”从行政管理学的角度回答了应该通过合理界定中央与地方的公共产品供给职责、增强基层政府的公共产品供给能力以及完善公共产品的政府供给机制等方面来提高中国政府的公共产品供给能力。第六部分“中国公共产品的供给模式”从宏观层面上提出我国公共产品政府供给应该坚持的价值取向、供给原则,提出了中国公共产品的供给模式。

【Abstract】 China has been from the survivability of society into the development of society. Although the investment from the government is increasing, and is the highest in the history of China. But the demand for public goods can’t been met. Thus comes the study on supply of public goods of China.This article is on the basis of the theory of government and public goods provision. The government’s responsibility to supply public goods is not abandoned. The government should compensate for market failure of the supply of meet the social needs of the public. To provide high-quality public goods, in order to safeguard the public interest, ultimately, the value of fairness and justice demand. Government in the provision of public goods, there are advantages and limitations. The advantage of mandatory government decided the Chinese government should play a leading role in the supply of public goods. The government’s core function is the irreplaceable. But the limitations of government decided that it is not possible to provide all of the public goods. The government needs to respect the market mechanism and with other organizations. There are several ways to achieve the public supply of public goods. Thesis subjects are divided into six parts:The first part: Government to provide public goods and the historical evolution. This chapter has origins from the national research theory to the Marxist ideology of the supply of public goods, from the government and the relation between the supply of public goods. This determines the government to provide public goods of political philosophy, accurately grasp the country origin, governmental functions and public goods provision. The second part: Public responsibility in the supply of products. Market advantages of providing public goods is its efficiency. Market supply efficient conditions is a completely free and competitive environment. The responsibility of the government is promoting the market development, ensure the role of market mechanisms. Judgment based on the fundamental values of society does not allow the market to provide public goods. The government has the responsibility for the promotion of basic welfare and equitable distribution and the intervention of public goods supply, fairness and justice constitute public product core thought Government supply.The third part: The government provided public product advantages. This chapter from the analysis of the government to provide public goods, starting with the role that the advantages of participating in public goods supply organization although many, but the government is one of the most important organizations. The government will take a mandatory manner from consumers asked to pay for access to public goods cost of compensation. This would ensure the continued supply of public goods. So the government role as agent of the public interest and public goods in the supply of the central role is irreplaceable. On the government to provide public goods supply and the advantages of establishing a government-led public product supply pattern lay the foundation.The forth part: Government failure to provide public goods. This chapter started in two ways, one is a comprehensive analysis of the government to provide public goods theory assumes of the difficulties and, then on the government to provide public goods cost analysis. The government providing public goods is also an institutional arrangement, it is the same with marketing system, the inner variables that the transaction cost is the lead government agency in an important cause of low efficiency. The second is through China public goods supply and analysis of current situation, identify the government of public goods supply problems and issues of institutional roots. On government failure analysis concluded that there are areas the government should not intervene, as in the supply of public goods, emphasized the leading role of the government to introduce market mechanisms, strengthening the social forces provide strong evidence.The fifth part: Policy recommendations to improve the efficiency of public goods supply in China. From the perspective of the public administration, responded through reasonable definition of the central and local public goods supply functions, enhanced local government public goods supply capacity and improve public products government supply mechanisms to improve Chinese government’s public product supply capabilities.The sixth part: Chinese public product supply model. From the macro level to China’s government supply of public goods should adhere to the values and principles of supply, the supply of public goods in Chinese model.

【关键词】 公共产品供给政府责任
【Key words】 public goodssupplygovernment’s responsibility
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期