

Research on the Burials of Chu in the Region to the North of Yangtze River

【作者】 王乐文

【导师】 王立新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “江北地区”是指楚文化所布及的长江以北地区。根据目前考古发现,江北地区楚墓的分布范围大致包括湖北大部、河南南部、安徽中南部以及陕西东南部等地区。本文全面收集了迄今已发表的3133座江北地区楚墓资料,在分期、分类、分区研究的基础上,综合考察了楚墓的时空差异,揭示了楚人丧葬礼俗的发展变化和地域特点。论文主要内容可分为六个部分。绪论首先明确了本文研究范围,继而在系统梳理江北地区楚墓发现与研究史的基础上,总结了有关江北楚墓研究所取得的成就与目前在分期、分类及葬俗研究等方面存在的问题,并有针对性地提出了本文的研究思路和方法。第一章分期。根据对墓葬出土的主要随葬器物的类型学研究及其在楚墓中的共存关系,把江北楚墓分为五个时期,首次建立了江北地区楚墓的统一的分期编年序列。然后,对分期定年存在问题的荆门罗坡岗、赤壁土城、丹凤古城、郧县老幸福院等墓地的分期进行了重新分析,并对当阳赵家湖、江陵雨台山和九店等墓地的分期进行了调整,纠正了部分定年存在问题的墓葬的年代。第二章分类与分区。根据《仪礼》等文献的记载,将青铜礼器的种类、摆放及其搭配方式等置于礼仪程序的背景下通盘考量,纠正了已往学界对楚墓礼器使用制度方面存在的误解。进而依据墓葬规模、青铜礼器组合等墓葬要素的分析将江北地区楚墓分成五大类,揭示了各类墓葬在等级与墓主人身份方面的差异。最后,结合楚文化发展的历史背景,综合考虑了墓葬在区域间的差别,将江北地区楚墓分为汉江中游区、汉江下游西侧区、汉江下游东侧区、淮河上游区和淮河中游区等五个地区。第三章墓地的选择与布局。在分类、分期研究的基础上,考察了江北地区不同类别的楚墓在墓地选择与布局上所呈现出的规律和特点。重点讨论了淅川蒍氏家族墓地的布局及其变化。第四章墓葬形制与结构。主要通过对各类墓葬测量数据的统计分析,系统考察了江北楚墓在壁龛、墓道等使用上的特点与规律。结语。对论文内容进行总结,指出论文存在的问题和不足。

【Abstract】 “The Region to the north of River”refers to the north to Yangtze River region. According to the present archaeological discoveries, the distributions of the burials of Chu in the region to the north of Yangtze River includes most of Hubei, southern Henan, central and southern Anhui, and southeast Shanxi areas.The thesis is concerned with the archaeological materials coming from 3133 burials around the areas. Based on the analysis about various periods, classification and different areas, the thesis mainly copes with the variaties of the Burials of Chu both in space and in time. It also reveals the way of the development as well as the features of their locations about the traditional customs of burials conducted by the Chu People.The thesis consists of six sections.The Prelude focuses on the time-space range, then gives a close look at the reseaching history and the method being used here of the topic.Charpter One illustrates the various phases about the burials of Chu. Archaeological reseach about the burials of Chu has been conducted for a long time, and such a period can be devided into five stages. For the first time, the thesis established a chronological order of the division about the Burials of Chu. A new research about phase-division on burials of Jingmenluopogang, Chibi mounds, ancient city of Danfeng, and so on. Simultaeniously, the writer adjusted the time-division about the burials of Zhaojia Lake in Dangyang, Mountain Yutaishan in Jiangling and Jiudian. In the analysis, some corrections were made to the exact year of the given burials.Cahrpter Two is about the classifications and the divisions. Grounded on the record from“The Ritual”, the charpter insists on a thorough consideration about the categories, the lay-out and and the way to match with one another, thus corrects some of misunderstandings about the matter. Therefore five groups of the burials to the north of the River come into being, which are underlined by the analysis on the size and the assembly of the bronze wares from the burials,revealing the difference of the grades of the burials and the social status of the master of the burials. And then, on the historical watch of Chu Culture, a comprehensive consideration on the difference between different areas, the burials to the north of the River would be catagoried as the following: middle reaches of Han River, west and east ares along the low reaches of Han River, the upper and the middle reaches of the Huai River.The choice of the burial rites and the layout can be found in Charpter Three. Close attention was paid to the the regulations and features of vaious burials and their layout, especially the burial of the Wei Family of Xichuan.We can see the forms and the structures of the burials in Charpter Four.A thorough study on the measurable data from various burials provides a better way to research the tabernacles and the tomb passages and their fetures.The final section presents a summary about the whole thesis, and some deficiencies are pointed out.

【关键词】 长江以北楚墓分期分类葬俗礼仪
【Key words】 The North of RiverBurials of ChuTime-spaceClassificationsDivisions
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期