

Research on the Relationship Between Influencing Factors of Returned Peasant Laborers’ Entrepreneurship and Their Entrepreneurial Activities

【作者】 刘洋

【导师】 张秀娥;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 创业对经济、社会发展的推动作用已经得到了广泛的认可,如何鼓励和支持返乡农民工创业已经逐渐开始受到很多地方政府和相关主管部门的关注和重视。返乡农民工创业,不仅能解决创业者本人的就业问题,增加其经济收入,而且还能够为社会创造更多的就业机会,有助于解决农村剩余劳动力的安置问题。返乡农民工作为我国特殊情境下出现的一类特殊群体,不论是其创业的活动,还是影响其创业的各种因素以及这些因素与返乡农民工最终创业活动间的关系都有着不同于普通创业者的一些特征。目前国内外在这方面的研究较少,虽然国内已经出现了一些专门关注返乡农民工创业的研究文献,分析了一些影响返乡农民工创业活动的因素,但是有关这方面研究的现有国内文献多是定性分析,只是笼统的将一些对返乡农民工创业活动有影响的因素做了概括,并没有概括分析出这些因素同返乡农民工创业活动及其关键维度的内在联系。正是在这样的情况下,本文希望能通过研究,揭示返乡农民工创业影响因素与创业活动间的内在关系。从目前国内学者在返乡农民工创业问题方面已经取得的理论研究成果中可以看出返乡农民工创业就是指那些走出农村进入到城市打工的农民,经历了一段时间之后,由于各种原因最终返回到家乡农村地区,利用其通过打工所积累和掌握的资金、技术、经验、信息等资源而进行的创业活动。现阶段我国返乡农民工创业的现状和特点表现为:在返乡创业的行业选择上,大多选择与农业有关的非农产业,多集中在劳动密集型行业领域;在创业地点的选择上,多是选择在当地靠近城镇的地区,并未完全脱离农村;第三,创业资金多为自有资金或通过亲朋筹集,创业的组织形式多是家庭组织的形式。创业的原因最主要是受解决自身就业、增加收入这种想法的驱动;其次还有希望回到家乡和家人一起生活的因素驱动;第三,我国特有的城乡经济社会二元结构给农民工带来的各种不利因素也在一定程度上迫使其选择返回家乡。而影响返乡农民工创业的因素包括创业金融支持、创业政策、政府创业项目、创业教育和培训、当地的基础设施状况、市场环境以及创业文化氛围七个方面。返乡农民工创业的两个关键维度为返乡农民工的创业态度与感知和创业愿景。通过选取那些目前在外打工或有过外出务工经历的农民工,包括已经创办了工商企业、农业合作经济组织和有创业意愿但尚未开始实施创业活动的返乡农民工为对象,在吉林、黑龙江、湖南、陕西、福建、湖北六省进行问卷发放。最终共发放问卷967份,回收有效问卷548份,有效回收率为56.7%。基于问卷发放所收集的数据,运用SPSS,Amos等统计分析软件进行了描述性统计分析、信度分析、效度分析、相关分析以及回归分析等一系列实证分析,对返乡农民工创业影响因素与创业活动的关系做了较为深入的分析。最终的分析结果表明:除创业政策和市场环境外,其他的返乡农民工创业影响因素都同创业态度与感知和创业愿景显著相关,创业态度与感知和创业愿景以及打工所在地创业文化分别在返乡农民工创业影响因素与创业活动关系间具有中介作用和调节作用。通过以上的分析,最后得出以下研究结论:第一,返乡农民工创业影响因素对返乡农民工创业态度与感知和创业愿景的影响作用得到了验证。但是构成返乡农民工创业影响因素的各维度中,政府的创业政策和当地的市场环境这两项因素对返乡农民工的创业态度与感知和创业愿景的影响效果没有通过实证的检验。当地的创业文化、创业教育与培训、金融支持、基础设施条件和政府创业项目这五个因素对返乡农民工的创业态度与感知和创业愿景的显著影响得到了验证。对返乡农民工创业态度与感知影响作用最大的因素是当地的创业文化,而创业教育与培训则是这些影响因素中对返乡农民工创业愿景影响最显著的。第二,返乡农民工的创业态度与感知和创业愿景对其最终的创业活动具有显著的影响作用,并且返乡农民工的创业态度与感知和创业愿景还作为中介变量在创业影响因素—创业活动关系中产生作用,只是返乡农民工的创业态度与感知和创业愿景均是只起到部分中介的作用,创业影响因素还直接对其最终的创业活动产生影响。第三,农民工打工所在地的创业文化对返乡农民工创业活动的影响作用得到证实。虽然农民工打工当地的创业文化在“创业影响因素—创业态度与感知”关系中的调节作用没能通过验证,只通过了对“创业影响因素—创业愿景”关系的调节作用。但还是证明了打工所在地的创业文化会影响到返乡农民工的创业愿景,通过使其开拓眼界,增长见识,从而使农民工在返回家乡真正创业的时候,更愿意接受和采纳新的东西,敢于创新,从而提高其创业的层次。对返乡农民工创业影响因素与创业活动关系研究的理论意义在于:以前人的研究成果为基础,构建了返乡农民工创业影响因素与创业活动关系结构模型,确定返乡农民工创业影响因素和创业活动的关键内容,并以此为基础进一步验证了返乡农民工创业影响因素与创业活动间的关系。此外,还对返乡农民工及返乡农民工创业的概念做了界定。现实意义在于:通过验证所提出的假设,证实了返乡农民工创业影响因素中金融支持、政府创业项目、创业教育与培训、基础设施状况和创业文化五个方面对其创业活动的影响作用。其中,家乡当地创业文化对返乡农民工的创业态度与感知以及创业教育与培训对返乡农民工的创业愿景分别影响最强烈。而政府创业政策和市场环境两个因素对返乡农民工创业活动影响作用的假设没能通过验证。因此,根据研究得出的结果,要求各地政府及相关主管部门,在明确金融支持、政府创业项目、创业教育与培训、基础设施状况和创业文化这五方面影响因素作用效果的前提下,还应该进一步制定和实施更加有针对性的相关创业扶持政策,以及由政府牵头找出一些启动资金少、技术要求不高的政府创业项目提供给返乡农民工。在对返乡农民工创业影响因素与创业活动关系的研究过程中还存在一些不足和局限,这些不足与局限都是未来在更深一步的研究中需要克服的问题,进一步完善这一研究议题的理论和现实成果。

【Abstract】 It has been widely accepted that entrepreneurship can greatly promote economic and social developments. How to encourage and support the returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurship has begun to attract the attention of local governments and relevant departments. Returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurship can not only solve the problem of the entrepreneurs themselves, increasing their income, but also can create more job opportunities for society, and help to resolve the resettlement of rural surplus labor. As a special group appeared in china’s special period, returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurial activities and entrepreneurial influencing factors are all different from normal entrepreneurs’. Now, there are only few researches on this field. Although there are some domestic research literatures on returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurship, analyzing the relevant influencing factors, the existing researches are mostly qualitative-based, not revealing the intrinsic link between the influencing factors and the entrepreneurial activities, especially with their key dimensions, which is just the goal of this paper.From the study of existing literatures, it is known that returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurship means peasants who have worked in cities for a while and finally returned to their hometown to conduct entrepreneurial activities by using their accumulated and mastered capital, technology, experience and information resources.In the current stage, the status and features of our returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurship turn out to be as follows. Firstly, most of these returned peasant laborers choose agriculture and related industries to start up, especially in labor-intensive industries. Secondly, most of them choose local places near the urban area. Thirdly, returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurial capital is mostly their own money or collected from relatives and friends. Lastly, most of the organizational framework of their entrepreneurship is family organization. The main reason of those people choosing to start up a business is their will to solve their employment and increase income. Moreover, their wish to return home and live with their family is also a cause. Lastly, the existing dual structure in urban and rural economics and society also force peasant laborers to return home. The key dimensions of returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurial influencing factors include financial support, entrepreneurial policies, governmental entrepreneurial programs, entrepreneurial education and training, local infrastructure, entry regulation and entrepreneurial culture norms. The two key dimensions of returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurship are entrepreneurial attitudes and perception, and entrepreneurial aspiration.The objects of this research are peasant laborers who are working or have worked outside the rural areas, including returned peasants who have already set up enterprises or agricultural cooperative organizations, and those that plan to do this. 967 questionnaires were sent out in Jilin, Heilongjiang, Hunan, Shanxi, Fujian, Hubei and 548 valid questionnaires were collected. Based on these data, descriptive statistical analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis were made by applying Spss and Amos Statistical Analysis Softwares. It is found that except entrepreneurial policies and entry regulation, other influencing factors of returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurship have significant positive relationship with entrepreneurial attitude and perception and entrepreneurial aspiration. Furthermore, entrepreneurial attitude and perception and entrepreneurial aspiration play a role of intermediary, and the entrepreneurial culture norms of employment place plays a role of moderator in the relationship of influencing factors of returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurship and their entrepreneurial activities.The analysis above comes to the conclusions of this paper:Firstly, the effect of returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurship’s influencing factors on returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurial attitude and perception and entrepreneurial aspiration is confirmed. However, the effect of entrepreneurial policies and entry regulation on returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurial attitude and perception and entrepreneurial aspiration is not confirmed. The most significant influencing factor to returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurial attitude and perception is local entrepreneurial cultural norms, and the most significant influencing factor to entrepreneurial aspiration is entrepreneurial education and training.Secondly, returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurial attitude and perception and entrepreneurial aspiration significantly influence their entrepreneurial activities. Entrepreneurial attitude and perception and entrepreneurial aspiration play a role of intermediary between returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurship and influencing factors. However, entrepreneurial attitude and perception and entrepreneurial aspiration only play a partly intermediary role since the entrepreneurial influencing factors have a direct effect on the final entrepreneurial activities.Thirdly, the relationship between the entrepreneurial culture norms of employment place and entrepreneurial activities is confirmed. Although we have only confirm that entrepreneurial culture norms of employment place play a role of moderator between entrepreneurial influencing factors and entrepreneurial aspiration, this does prove entrepreneurial culture norms of employment place can affect returned peasants’entrepreneurial activities by influencing their aspiration, making them willing to accept and adopt new things, and improving their entrepreneurial levels.The theoretical meanings of this paper are as follows: defining the meaning of returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurship, constructing the model of the relationship between influencing factors of returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurship and their entrepreneurial activities, deciding the key dimensions of returned Peasant Laborers’entrepreneurship and influencing factors, and finally testing the hypotheses.The practice meanings are as follows: confirming the relationship between returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurship and all influencing factors except entrepreneurial policies and entry regulation. The most significant influencing factor to returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurial attitude and perception is local entrepreneurial culture norms, and the most significant influencing factor to entrepreneurial aspiration is entrepreneurial education and training. This means the government and relevant departments should first notice the importance of entrepreneurial finance, government entrepreneurial programs, entrepreneurial education and training, infrastructure and entrepreneurial culture norms. Then they should develop and implement more targeted, relevant business supporting policies, and develop a number of entrepreneurial programs which do not need much capital and technology for returned peasant’laborers.This research still involves some problems and limitations, which could be the direction of future research and be solved in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期