

Urban Women Life in 1930s from Linglong Magazine

【作者】 何楠

【导师】 赵英兰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文旨在通过对于民国时期《玲珑》杂志的分析,探讨20世纪30年代公共媒介中的女性观点以及两性冲突、两性依存。20世纪30年代的中国是一个男性观念依然为主导,女性自我意识刚刚觉醒的时期,这一时期两性观点摩擦不断,女性通过公共媒介向男性社会表达着自己的想法。《玲珑》杂志是30年代畅销的女性杂志,其撰稿人也多为女性,因此能更全面而真实的表达男性社会中女性对于两性关系、社会热点的看法。传播女性生理和心理知识,表现女性独立价值观的建立。虽然通过文章可以看出当时女性意识的日益强烈,但是在两性问题的讨论中,女性依然处于对男性世界是依存还是反抗的矛盾中,因为杂志的主要阅读人群是年轻女性,所以这种矛盾显得更加突出,一方面女性作者们告诉读者如何取悦于男性,另一方面又时时提醒女性读者对于男性要充满戒心。这种存在女性内心的挣扎与困扰在杂志中体现来。

【Abstract】 In this paper, my doctoral dissertation, at 1930s aimed at the Republic of China magazine "Ling Long" analyzed in the public media of women, gender perspective conflicts and gender interdependence. In the 1930s the concept of China is still a male dominated, women‘s self-consciousness just awakening period, during this period continued friction gender perspective, women through the public media to the men of the community to express their own ideas. At 1930s, "Ling Long" is the best-selling female magazine, the most writers are female, more comprehensive and true expression of male to female gender relations in society, social views , spread female physical and psychological knowledge, performance the establishment of an independent female values. Although the article can be seen at that time through the women‘s awareness of the growing strongly, but in the discussion of gender issues, women still confuse whether interdependent or resistant, because the most reader are young women, this conflict is more prominent, on the one hand female authors tell readers how to make men happy, on the other hand, from time to time to remind female readers be wary of men. Such a presence of women’s minds are struggling with the problems which are reflected in the magazine, also shows the 1930s China‘s social construction of gender.The family is the basic cells of society, due to Republican social division of labor and the family division of labor changes, the traditional family system changes, so that the men outside the women inside,the family patterns also change. Model for interaction between husband and wife is no longer attached to each other, but women have more independence and autonomy, the family relationships in the image of a submissive wife and mother gradually being "modern" housewife replaced by , women’s status in society not only to increase the role of the family is also quietly changing.For the people who live in a modern, women’s participation in various sports competitions, a variety of physical activity already commonplace, but living in two or three decades on behalf of the woman appeared in the sports arena is a modern thing. This is because the movements fit the idea that exotic, and accompanied by the concept of breeding powers are disseminated. Women not only concerned with the aesthetic appearance of the modification, but also began to notice the importance of physique. From the national peril point of view, a healthy mother, in order to nurture healthy children, children that is the nation’s future; from the changes in women’s own aesthetic standards, you can see pity the weak and the United States is also no longer be appreciated, as Hollywood stars like a healthy body gradually become a new woman pursued. This chapter from the sport, fitness body, breast secrets of knowledge discussed several aspects of exquisite life of women’s health magazines. Delicate magazine is popular, exquisite magazine published the contents of women’s health is also at stake must be up to date.

【关键词】 玲珑女性同性爱独身今代妇女
【Key words】 Linglongfemalehomosexualcelibacymodern lady
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期