

Jilin Province Village Characteristic Industrial Development Research

【作者】 张殿宫

【导师】 赵儒煜;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 区域经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 乡村经济是区域经济的重要组成部分,承担着确保国家粮食安全,为核心地区的城市经济提供劳动力、原料和销售市场的重要使命。2007年世界金融危机以来,全球经济复苏缓慢,发展乡村经济的问题更受关注。它不仅可以为国内庞大的工业品寻找新兴市场,弥补出口下降对经济增长的负面影响;还可以推动乡村地区工业化、城市化进程,转变乡村经济增长方式,真正实现和谐发展。本文将“乡村特色产业”作为研究对象,对这种广泛存在于乡村社会生产、生活之中的经济类型做了深入思考。系统地研究和分析了国内外有关的乡村经济理论、产业区位理论和产业集群理论,找出了二元经济结构理论、中心外围理论、增长极理论、农业区位理论、集聚三要素理论、累积循环理论、区域竞争优势等经典理论有助于乡村特色产业理论发展的合理内核;考察了法国葡萄酒产业、以色列特色农业产业、日本“一村一品”运动和山东寿光绿色蔬菜产业、福建茶叶特色产业发展实践。在对这些理论和实践进行深入研究的基础上,首次对“乡村特色产业”做了概念界定,乡村特色产业是基于乡村(原产地)所独有的自然、地理和人文资源优势,具备较高商业价值和开发潜力,与城市和工农业联系紧密,拥有核心技术和自主知识产权,保持适当规模,对乡村经济有较强带动作用,独特且具有排他性的产业。指出,乡村特色产业有基于资源禀赋优势而具有的原生性、基于特色产品的垄断性而具有的适度规模性、基于特殊工艺运输手段而具有的与特定地理空间的不可分割性、基于特色产品工艺积累而具有的历史传承性和基于特色产品内在生命力而具有的可跨越发展性5个方面特征。乡村特色产业在乡村经济中占有重要地位,是乡村经济中最活跃、最具创造力的重要组成部分,也是转变乡村经济增长方式,加强工农业之间联系,提高区域经济竞争力的重要推动力量。大力发展乡村特色产业,有利于提升整个乡村地区经济总体质量和市场竞争能力;有利于增加乡村地区农民收入,减少乡村贫困人口;有利于减少乡村地区社会矛盾,增进乡村地区社会和谐。乡村特色产业要实现更好更快发展,应该走集群化的发展道路,在这一过程中,要特别注意处理好规范性、开放性、关联性、普适性和功能性5个方面问题,以确保乡村特色产业集群高质量运行。“规范性”是乡村特色产业健康发展的有效保障;“开放性”是乡村特色产业发展壮大的必然选择;“关联性”是乡村特色产业生存发展的内在动力;“普适性”是乡村特色产业走向国际市场的必要准备;“功能性”是乡村特色产业在国家或整个国民经济中的自我定位。在上述理论梳理的基础上,我们通过对国内外乡村特色产业发展的经验与教训的总结,发现影响乡村特色产业发展的要素因子主要有七个,即资源禀赋、技术创新、政策环境、市场需求、资本投入、人才储备和产业集群。其中,资源禀赋是乡村特色产业发展的前提,技术创新是乡村特色产业发展的关键,市场需求是乡村特色产业发展的目标,资本投入是乡村特色产业发展的助推器,人才储备是乡村特色产业发展的基础,产业集群是乡村特色产业发展的有效方式。这七大要素因子联系紧密,既相互制约,又相互促进,共同作用于乡村特色产业的发展。近年来,吉林省以绿色农业和园艺特色产业为依托,大力发展乡村特色产业,2008年,全省乡村特色产业总产值已经超过1000亿元,成为全省仅次于汽车产业的第二大支柱产业,在地区经济发展中,表现出良好的极化和带动作用。人参、鹿、医药、葡萄酒、苗木花卉、玉米深加工、林蛙和绿色食品产业是吉林省具有代表性的8大乡村特色产业。在影响这8大乡村特色产业的要素因子中:资源禀赋、市场需求2项要素表现良好;资本投入、产业集群2项要素表现一般,而政策环境、技术创新和人才储备3项要素表现较差。由此可见,吉林省乡村特色产业发展总体上还处在依赖于丰富的资源和旺盛的市场需求支撑产业发展的初级阶段;资本投入不足,集群化程度不够,造成吉林省乡村特色产业抵御市场风险的能力不强,产业发展时快时慢,经济增长偶然性较大;而这一切正是因为吉林省乡村特色产业发展的政策环境不优、技术创新能力不够、人才储备力量不足造成的。综上所述,要加快吉林省乡村特色产业发展,就要从优化乡村特色产业发展政策环境,提高乡村特色产业技术创新能力,扩充乡村特色产业人才储备三个方面着手;继续坚持重视乡村特色产业发展,培育乡村特色产业品牌,密切乡村特色产业与工农业之间联系,坚持走外向型乡村特色产业发展道路的“吉林经验”;重点做好提升乡村特色产业的战略地位,走乡村特色产业集群化发展道路,加大乡村特色产业发展金融支持,构建乡村特色产业人才基础,健全乡村特色产业行业管理制度,建设乡村特色产业市场规范6项工作。

【Abstract】 Rural economy is a significant component in regional economy, which ensures the nation’s grain security, provides labor, raw materials and market to the urban economy of the central area. Since the financial crisis in 2007, the global economy has been slow in recovery, the western developed countries haven’t sorted out proper solution, and the growth in world economy has experienced ups and downs. At present, every nation takes the issue that how to step out of the crisis as soon as possible as their key project in development. Under such background, China implemented“The Plan to Stimulate Economic Growth of Four Trillion”which emphasizes the enlargement in the scale of infrastructure construction and enhancement in consumption of industrial products in rural areas. This measure temporarily decreases the impact of global financial crisis and maintains the rapid economic growth. However, this method is only a temporary measure of the nation intervening the economic growth, which does not own the feature of sustainable development. Therefore, it is a crucial task which matters the future of China and people’s livelihood that to seek new market for huge amount of domestic industrial products and to make up the negative effects in economic growth brought by decrease in export. Chinese large rural areas gather most of Chinese population, which is a potential and tremendous consuming market of industrial products. Meanwhile, the developing strategy of emphasizing industry instead of agriculture, and city instead of countryside seriously has imbalanced the development in industry and agriculture, and in city and countryside. The national economy stepped into a new developing period in which industry regurgitation-feeds agriculture, and city promotes countryside. At this critical point, transforming the method of rural economic growth, seeking rural economic growth point, and enhancing the economic competiveness of rural areas and consumption power in industrial products are the premises for the green, healthy and sustainable development of national economy.This essay takes“rural specialty industry”as the research target, and profoundly explores economic mode existing in rural social production and rural life. It systematically studies and analyzes the related domestic and abroad rural economic theories, industrial regional theories and industrial cluster theories, and finds out the proper core of these classical theories such as dualistic economic structure theory, core and periphery theory, growth pole theory, location theory, assemble triangle theory, accumulation circle theory, regional competitive advantage, which are helpful to the development of rural specialty industry theory. The paper also investigates the wine industry in France, Israeli specialty agricultural industry, Japanese“one country one industry”, green vegetable industry in Shandong Shouguang, tea industry in Fujian. On the basis of these studies, the paper defines the“rural specialty industry”for the first time, which on the foundation of natural, geological and humane resources advantage peculiar to the original rural area, owns high commercial value and exploration potential, relates closely to the city and industry and agriculture, possesses core technologies and proprietary intellectual property rights, maintains proper scale, can propel the rural economy and is special and exclusive industry. It points out that rural specialty industry owns originality based on resources advantage, owns proper scale based on specialty’s monopoly, is inseparable from certain geological space based on special transportation method, is historically transmitted based on craft accumulation and can be developed based on inner vitality.Rural specialty industry possesses significant part in rural economy, which is the most active and most creative part in rural economy, and also is an important force in changing rural economic growth method, strengthening the relationship between industry and agriculture and enhancing regional economic competitiveness. Developing the rural specialty industry is beneficial to the promotion of economic quality and market competiveness of the whole rural region; is beneficial to the increase the peasants’income in rural areas and the decrease in the rural poor population; is beneficial to the decrease in social conflict in rural areas and the promotion of social harmony in rural areas. Rural specialty industry, in order to gain better and faster development, should implement the method of cluster. During this process, regularity, openness, relatedness, universality and functionality should be handle appropriately, in order to ensure the operation of cluster of rural specialty into high quality. Regularity is an effective insurance for the rural specialty industry’s healthy development; openness is a must choice for the rural specialty industry to develop; relatedness is the inner power for the rural specialty industry to survive; universality is the necessary preparation for the rural specialty to step into international market; functionality is the self orientation of the rural specialty industry in the whole national economy.On the basis of these theory analyses, through the conclusion of experience and lesson in the development of domestic and abroad rural specialty industry, we finds out that there are seven elements influencing the development of rural specialty industry, i.e., resources advantage, technological innovation, political environment, market need, capital investment, human resources storage and industrial cluster. In these elements, resources advantage is the premise for the rural specialty industry to develop, technological innovation is the key for the rural specialty industry to develop, market need is the target, capital investment is the propeller, human resources storage is the foundation, and industrial cluster is the effective way. These seven factors relate to each other closely, with interaction and inter promotion, which all function in the development of the rural specialty industry.In the present years, depending on the green agriculture and gardening, Jilin province develops their rural specialty industry. In 2008, the gross product of provincial rural specialty industry passes 100 billion, became the second biggest pillar industry following automobile industry, and functioned positively in regional economic development. Ginseng, deer, medicine, wine, flower, further processing of corn, wood frog and green food industry are the eight representative rural specialty industries in Jilin province. Among the factors influencing these eight rural specialty industries, resources advantage and market need perform well; capital investment and industrial cluster perform commonly; political environment, technological innovation and human resources storage perform badly. Therefore, the rural specialty industry in Jilin province is still in the initial period depending on abundant resources and great market need. With the shortage in capital investment and in cluster, Jilin province is not powerful enough to resist the market risk, the industry develops irregularly, with high possibility in chanciness of economic development. This is resulted from the common political environment, lack in technological innovation and in human resources storage of the rural specialty industries in Jilin province.To sum up, in order to speed up the development of rural specialty industry in Jilin province, the political environment should be optimized, innovative power should be enhanced, and human resources storage should be enlarged. We should continue to attach great importance on the development of rural specialty industry, cultivate specialty rural brand, build close links between rural specialty industry and agriculture and industry, and maintain the“Jilin experience”which is export orientated. The emphasis is on the enhancement of the strategic position of rural specialty industry, on the method of cluster. Also, financial aid should be enlarged, human resources foundation should be constructed, management regularities in this field should be perfected and market regularities should be constructed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期